Chapter 13 Prt 1.

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*A/N* I know this chapter is long overdue & Im sorry for the wait but editing & revising took forever! I hope you guys find it worth the wait.



Ryleigh Pov

The past few days have been amazing, minus the nausea I've been feeling. Xavier and his pack are good people and surprisingly very organized. I've heard that Jaxon is marrying that whorebag Valerie today and I couldn't be any more disgusted. The only good thing about is that I get to ruin their wedding with a surprise attack, they're going to be so caught up with the ceremony that they won't even notice us coming. My thoughts on todays events were suddenly interrupted by Xavier coming in and laying on top of me. "Hey gorgeous, what's got you smiling so early in the morning?" he asked. "Oh nothing, just that today is going to be a good day is all," I said as I gave him a kiss on his forehead. "Well I know one way we could start the day off right," he said smirking. "Whatever you're thinking the answer is no, we do not have time for whatever it is anyway." "Fine, but you owe me, I get you all to myself tonight." "Well ofcourse you do, we are going to be celebrating our victory after all," I said while he helped me off the couch. "Good, now I've got to go make sure the others are ready so I'll see you later gorgeous." he said as he jetted off. Lately it seems like he's obssessed with this war and that he'll stop at nothing to bring Jaxon to his knees, even though Xavier is my mate I can't help but feel like something is off because everything seems so perfect. I want to question it but I just can't seem to bring myself to do it. *That's because something is off and your to blind to see it* my wolf said. *You know it wouldn't kill you to accept that maybe things are just fine and that I'm doing the right thing, All you do lately is complain about how wrong everything is, can't you just be happy for me today* I replied. * Your such a naive little girl who's blinded by the false dream of a perfect future, don't let those false dreams distract you and you get us killed* she scolded. Sighing to myself I cut off our link and made my way upstairs to change. I couldn't deny the feeling that my wolf was right and I was tired of always feeling like I'm being torn in two. Throwing on a plain t-shirt and some shorts with my converse I was ready to go. *You don't want to do this, you know this isn't right* my wolf said again. *Look just leave me alone! I don't need you being all negative when we get there! And incase you forgot Jaxon is OUR enemy now hush up* With that I tuned her out and went into Xavier's closet, which he calls his closet of horror because it has every weapon you possibly imagine in it, when I asked him why he needed all this stuff he simply said that he liked inflicting alot of pain on his enemys. Creepy right? Instead of picking something heavy I picked a few throwing knives made of silver and a Smith & Wesson handgun loaded with silver bullets. I felt like a badass and that only got me more pumped. Once I met everyone in the backyard we all split up into three groups, that way we can have Jaxon's pack surrounded. Our mission was to take out the strongest fighters first while me and Xavier take down jaxon and his whore, the others will have a choice to join us or be slaughtered like the rest.

It had to be about noon when we reached the borderline. We had people covering all possible exits and "secret" tunnels so that nobody could escape. I grabbed Xavier by the face and kissed him hard before walikng up the path in their backyard that led to the ceremony. When everyone saw me they froze like statues, mouths agape. "Well don't stop on my account," I said in a sickly sweet tone that made Valerie cringe. "What are you doing here Ryleigh? You weren't invited." Jaxon asked sternly but I could see in his eyes that he was scared and he had every reason to be. Taking a few steps down the aisle where the happy couple was standing I said with fake sadness, "Aww that really hurt my feelings, I guess you won't like my gift then." "What-" He didn't have a chance to finish his question before Xavier and fifty of our pack warriors came running up the path and charged at everyone in the yard, that's when all hell broke loose. Xavier immediatley charged Jaxon and they both fell to ground while I tackled to the ground by one of Valerie's minions. Rolling both of us over I quickly pinned her down by her throat with one hand while the other pulled out my gun and squeezed the trigger, less than a second later her blood and chunks of her skull covered my face. Getting back on my feet I picked up a machete that was laying on the ground a few feet away from me and cut the head off of anyone who got in my way. I had took out about sixty fighters and I was completely drenched in the blood of my enemys from head to toe and I didn't even have to shift, I felt victorious. Taking a moment I looked around and saw nothing but blood, bodies and fire covering everything, everything that was once white and prestine was now red and dirty, the beautiful arch of white roses that Jaxon and Val were supposed to exchange vows under was now destroyed and burning to the ground, my pack was holding their own pretty good while Jaxons wasn't. I could see that many of his pack members were taken out and he and Xavier were both fighting to the death, but what sparked my interest was the sight of Val running across the yard into the house. Now was my chance to end that skinny plastic whore and take her Luna title, not that she deserved it anyways. Walking into the house I could hear her sobbing in the kitchen so I stalked towards the kitchen where I was met with a very scared Valerie who was crying in a corner. Seeing her so vulnerable gave me great pleasure. "Oh Val don't cry, it's your wedding day," I said sweetly. "Get away from me! You ruined everything and now I have nothing!" she spat. "Well I wouldn't say that you have nohing, you still have your life, for the next few minutes that is," I replied chuckling. "You tried to have me wrongfully imprisoned, you tried to make me lose my wolf and more importantly you took HIM from me!! I want you feel what I felt, I want you to lose everything that ever mattered to you, I want you to suffer!" Grabbing her by her hair I dragged her out of the kitchen kicking and screaming as she she desperately tried to pry herself out of my grip but that only made my grip tighter. Once we were outside she screamed for Jaxon and I waited until he noticed us before I spoke. "Let her go!" he screamed at me. "No, I can't do that Jaxon, you both have to pay," I said. "Rye listen to me, this isn't you, you would never harm a ntwasn't having it. Pulling a blade out of his back pocket he quickly flipped Xavier over his shoulder and onto the ground with the blade pressed against Xavier's throat as our men closed in on us. "LET HER GO NOW! OR I'LL SLIT HIS THROAT!!" Jaxon screamed. I couldn't let him kill Xavier but I didn't want to let Valerie live to see another day either. *We can not harm a pregnant wolf, she has not harmed us* my wolf said. *Fine! But if anything happens to Xavier she dies.* Just as I was about to let her go I heard Jasper whimper. Looking up at him I could tell that his emotions were everywhere and that he was fighting to control his wolf as he looked at Valerie with sad eyes. That's when it hit me, Valerie was Jasper's mate and her babys real father. "Well?! What's it going to be?!" Jaxon asked. "You seem so smitten over someone who's not yours, she's playing you an you don't even see it." I said smirking. "Just let her go Rye and we can end all of this now." he said desperately. "Not until Xavier is by my side." "Fine just don't hurt her." I watched Jaxon carefully as Xavier walked over to me. Once he was finally within arms reach he hugged me tightly with one arm while the other snatched Val from my grasp. She screamed in agony as he yanked hard on her hair. "Shut up whore!" he said while slapping Val across her face. Jaxon started to stalk over to looking furious. "YOU SAID YOU WOULD LET HER GO!" he screamed. He wasn't able to get close because our men had already closed in on him and had him pinned to the ground with his arms behind his back. "Oh no little brother, Ryleigh said she would let the whore go, not I", Xavier said with a chuckle. "You see I think Val should come with us, the mutt she's carrying may become useful to me one day and what a better way to break you". BROTHER?! They're brothers? How could this be? Questions swirled around in my head and I started to feel faint. "Brother?! I didn't even know you had a sibling Xavier! When were you going to tell me this?! Huh?! And what am I? Some pawn in your sick revenge plan!! Is that what all of this is about?!!" I was beyond hysterical at that point and I could see that I had struck a nerve in him but I didn't care, I wanted answers. Pinching the bridge of his nose he looked at me in frustration, "Love I will explain it all to you later but right now we're in the middle of something!" He was right about one thing, He WILL explain everything to me later. I did notice that during the entire ordeal Val sat on her knees in silence, as if she hadn't heard a thing and it irritated the hell out of me. "Xavier I thought we were going to kill her, not take her as a captive!" I shouted. "Come on now love you should know me better than that, I have something planned for this one here." he said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me along. "XAVIER!!! YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!" Jaxon screamed, furiously trying to get off the ground. "Oh but I can and I will, this isn't over by a long shot dear brother. We will see each other again very soon so I suggest you rest up." Xavier walked away dragging Val by her hair with one arm and the other snuggly wrapped around my waist. I managed to sneak a glance at Jaxon still struggling for freedom and we locked eyes. In that moment I saw him in a new light, he wasn't a selfish asshole just a guy who is terrified of losing his family. A false family but still to him it was his and I'm helping take that away from him. I started to feel sick again, my stomach was doing cartwheels and I felt like everything around me was spinning. I've become something that I'm not but I can't shake the feeling the what I'm doing is right. Locking eyes with Jaxon felt kinda right. it was as if we were looking into each others souls and we can really see each other for who we really are. Our moment was cut short because Xavier caught me staring and tightened his grip on my waist as he pulled me along the trail leading back to our home.


*A/N* Pls dnt forget to comment, I really want to know what you guys think of the story so far, XOXO

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