chapter 6.

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*A/N* sorry for the wait everyone! I've been really sick so pls don't hate me!

Ryleigh Pov

Cold. That's exactly how I feel right now. Cold and wet? What? I tried to pry my eyes open but the pain in head kept me from doing so. SLAP! "Wake up whore!" I heard a familiar voice say. That was all it took for me to open my eyes. I was pissed because someone had thrown water on me and just slapped me, whoever it did it is going to get their ass handed to them. Looking up I see that slut who Jaxon knocked up smirking at me. " The only whore in here is you, you filthy mutt!" I spat. SLAP! " You bitch! You can't talk to me that way, especially since I'm the Luna of this pack". After the second slap I tried to lunge at her and break her fucking nose again but sadly I was chained to a wall. It looked like I was in a cell except their were various torture instruments adorning the wall on the other side of the room. Are you kidding me?! Jaxon chained me up in the torture chamber?! What the hell! I'm so pissed that I start shaking. I'm going to make sure he pays for this. Taking a few calming breaths I managed to keep my wolf at bay because even though I despise the bitch I can't kill her, she's with child, I mean it was Jaxon who impregnated her after all. "Look, just get these chains off so I can go talk to Jax." I tried my best to not sneer at her. "You will go nowhere near MY MATE! Your lucky I don't have you killed for what you've done but since I'm such a nice person I'm going to let you go. But be warned that If you come back or try to contact Jaxon in any way I'll have my pack warriors rip your head off of your pathetic body." With that she proceeded to kick me in my face and walk away. At that moment I didn't give a damn If she was carrying baby Jesus, she wasn't going to get away with that, she couldn't stop me from seeing My MATE!. I let my wolf take Over as I broke free of the chains and ran to her retreating figure and grabbed her by her hair and punched her hard in the mouth. Screaming she fell on her knees cupping her jaw. " You are nothing but a slut and I can't wait for Jaxon to find out that the baby you carry is not his and you'll be thrown out like the garbage you are." I said with pure hatred laced with every word. "And If your wondering how I know, it doesn't smell like a true future alpha should." Remembering that it's Jaxon who I'm truly mad at I ran towards the stairs. Before I could reach the top of the stairs four men appeared at the doorway, each ready to attack me. I'm so sick of people trying to hurt me and worst of all Jax is nowhere insight. Speeding up the stairs I there myself at the first two guys as hard as I could knocking them down giving me seconds to run the hall and into Sebastian. "Ryleigh what the hell?!" He said as I desperately tried to get past him. " I have to get to Jaxon!" I replied all out of breath. He didn't have time to question me more before the other two guys came running down the hall. Having enough of people interrupting me roughly pushed past Sebastian and took off toward the nearest exit. It was then that I realized that I didn't.know where I was or where I was going so I stopped running and turned around to be tackled to the ground by three huge guys. " Seb can you and your hounds please get the hell off of me!" I yelled. When he didn't answer me I looked up to see him staring at my chest. Shit! I almost forgot that I was still wet from water being thrown on me making my shirt see through, and me being in heat didnt help. "Seb you have to-" I was cut off by his lips crashing down on mine. Ugh! I don't have time for this but his lips felt so good!! *we have a mate to get to* my wolf yelled at me. Biting seb's lip I tried to shove him off me but he was to heavy and I had used up most of my energy trying to get to Jaxon. Luckily he was ripped off of me by the two guys I knocked out earlier, who I now recognize as Kayden and Emmett. "Take him outside to calm down." One of them ordered, "And as for you Ryleigh, I'm going to let Jax handle you" Emmett said while taking my by the arm and leading me down the hall. I can't shake the feeling that I've been down this hallway before, even though this is my first time being in this house. Weird right? Walking with Emmett's tight grip on my arm wasn't entirely unpleasant, I could see his toned muscles through his shirt. I couldn't help but get turned on by the thought of him pinning me against a wall and fucking me into oblivion. smelling my arousal he turned to look at me with dark eyes and said, " As much as I want to hear you scream my name, Jax still has to deal with you." Sighing I continued my trek until I reached what I presumed was Jaxon's office because I could smell him on the other side of tho door. Without warning I yanked myself out of Emmett's grip and pushed open the door revealing a shirtless Jaxon. The minute our eyes connected I ran to him and slapped him as hard I could. "You bastard! How dare you chain me up in your torture chamber?!" All sexual thoughts had left me and was replaced by anger. " Rye I-" I cut him off with another slap. "How could you fuck that filthy whore?!" SLAP! "Dammit Ryleigh stop fucking slapping me! And she was my girlfriend after all!" He yelled. " No!" I snapped. He deserves to every single hot. " First you attacked Valerie on stage breaking her nose, then you break her jaw, knock out two of my best fighters and now your ready to kick my ass! What's wrong with you?" He said angrily. "You know what, I'm too tired to deal with you and your crap, your my mate and your supposed to be on my side and your not, your supposed to love me not lock me up! I'm going home where I belong and I want nothing to do with you." I knew that what was coming next would hurt me deeply but I couldn't give myself to someone that won't even stand up for me, I know my actions tonight have been abit extreme but I'm a future alpha female and I'm very possessive when it comes to my mate. Lifting my chin so he could lookn into my watery eyes he sternly said, " Rye, while you may be my mate I won't have you harming the mother of my unborn child. But I do love you but I have to do right by my child and that's by making it somewhat works with it's mother. No matter what's happening now you'll still be mine." He then leaned in and started kissing my gently. " I... Ryleigh Wolfe..." I managed to mumble on his lips. With each word my heart more even more and my wolf howled in pain. Stopping the kiss I turned and ran out the door. I'm not going to bother telling him that the kid isn't his, let him find out the hard way.

*A/N* so I hope it was worth the wait! As always comment, vote & fan! Xoxo

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