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Recommended song: Prey by The Neighborhood

Oh crap.

Carson is sitting in his car, talking on the phone. I immediately grabbed Alice's hand, afraid if Carson is thinking of doing...something.

I hate him with every living bone in my body. He was shorter than me and that says a lot. Carson was a creep, a stalker, obsessive.

"Amelia, what are you doing?"

"Carson is in his car, right over there, and I'm not talking to him."

Caron looked up from his phone and hopped out of the car, alarmingly excited. He ran over to where Alice and I were before we could open the door. I decided I would just stay sane and calm before I scream.

"Hey Amelia, can I talk to you for a second..." He looked over at Alice, "Alone?"

I looked back at Alice with a look of desperation. She contemplated this and made a stupid decision.

"I'll be inside. Just come back when your finished."

Fuck you, Alice.

She walked to the door and went up the stairs, and I just glared, until my thoughts were interrupted.

"Amelia? Um..Earth to Amelia?"

I whipped my head to look back at him. I didn't want to talk.

"What do you want, Carson?"

"Well, um, I just need to tell you something."

"Yeah, so tell me." I turned my body around, to face him, I knew this would take awhile.

"Ok. Let me say it now. I like you a lot Amelia. I feel like I do everything I can to show you that-"

"Oh, like stalking me everywhere I go, sending me texts all of the time, the surprise roses outside of my dorm, the weird gifts." One time he sent me a new potted cactus, after mine had just died. It even had the same hand painted pot that I remember specifically throwing away.

Yeah, he's a creep.

"Well, I thought you would appreciate some of those things. But I just thought by now you would take a fucking hint. And what do you do to tell me how you feel? You toy around with another girl."

I replied sarcastically, "Well I'm sorry, I didn't know we were telling each other everything, and how we feel. And toying around? She was my girlfriend, but I wasn't toying around, thank you very much."

"Well whatever. I still wish you would at least give me a chance. I'm sick of being dragged around like-"


"God, Amelia, I'm just asking for a chance."

"I'm not giving you any chances. Don't ever expect one, anytime, anywhere. News flash, Carson. I. Don't. Like. You. Now please leave."

"But Amelia! Just let me take you on one date! I swear-"

"You'll make it the time of my life? Whatever. Please leave, Carson. I'm done with, whatever this is."

He went to his car and hastily started the engine, pulled away, and almost ran into a pole, if I wasn't so upset I would laugh. I went upstairs to the dorm and flopped down on my bed. I was so done.

I feel like ever since I told my friends I was bi, Carson has gone to extremes to do do things for my attention. Carson and I were cool last year, but things are just so awkward now. I think he knows that I really like someone else, that's not him.

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