8. August

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Song Suggestion: Stone Cold by Demi Lovato

8. August

I sat at Starbucks scrolling through my phone, waiting for Alice. I wasn't really drinking my chai tea, the drink disgusted me for some reason, just looking at pictures. Pictures with Patrick, and comparing them to pictures with J. My thoughts being interrupted by Alice slumping into the chair across from me, vanilla cappuccino in hand, pausing my music.

"You paused the Chili Peppers man! Not cool!"

"Sorry, but I need a favor and you do too. So, let's help each other out, man."

"Oh, right. So you're trying to ask Amelia out?"

"Yeah, I really like her, and you probably have the most self-confidence in the world, so this is probably stupid to you. But to me, this is terribly horrifying."

This fact being true, as I am very self-confident. I'm also kind of loud. But hey, I'm not dumb.

"Alright, hand me your phone."

Alice slid her phone across the table, and I typed away, trying to be Alice like. Awkward, but still cool.


Hi, ok I was wondering if, um, you wanted to go to see a movie tonight. Your choice! Text me back :)))))))

"August, this is the most eye-burningly awkward text I've ever seen."

"Sorry, I was just trying to be you."

We both started laughing, as it was the real truth.

"Ok, so why do you, Ms. Bell, need me?"

I re-situated in my seat uncomfortably for a second. This was not something I wanted to answer, but I sure as hell couldn't do alone.

"Well, we need to go to the store."

"Oh my god, August, you can go to the store alone." She looked at me with an annoyed face, "What do you need me for, let's be real."

"Ok, fine. I need to get a pregnancy test."

She sat slumped back in her seat, staring at me.

"Augustine Juliet Bell! You aren't even dating anybody, this is-"

"Catastrophic, I know. A-"

She looked up from her hands, with raccoon eyes and mouth gaping open.

"Who?" She said with the creepiest drawl, it gave me goosebumps.

"Can we talk about this later? I think Target may have some—"

"August! You're unusually calm about possibly being pregnant, talk to me about this, not about Target!"

Should I even tell her about J and I? After everything that's happened with Patrick, everyone thought I was a mess, that I would never get over my boyfriend that committed suicide. But things happen. And people treat me like a baby, like any second they've done something, I'm gonna cry or break down. But I'm 21 years old, I'm hopefully going to med-school at Columbia after next year. I can handle whatever's put in front of me. Plus, I may not be pregnant.

"Well, if you must know, J and I have been sleeping together." She looked even more shocked, "Friends with benefits, I'm calling it."

"And why would you not tell me all of this?" I stood up, throwing my full tea away, Alice following me. "August, you're one of my best friends. You usually tell me anything."

"I guess because everyone thinks I'm still not over Patrick, who is dead, and everyone seems to think I can't handle a relationship. J wants to keep it quiet."

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