Chapter 10: The Secret of Arlandia

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Valeriana was working.

She had trained the tiny hawk to walk and fly and jump. The hawk had mostly recovered, but Valeriana also taught him one secret weapon.

"Come on, girl!"

The hawk, which Valeriana had lovingly named Sky, hopped onto her hand and flew at a small wooden stick hanging from the wall. 

"That's right, Sky!"

Valeriana pumped her fist, she had taught her hawk how to fetch! Now, she could steal the keys that e were hanging nearby,  tantalizingly close.

Valerianan waited until the guard was gone, then whistled briefly. Sky streaked across the room and with a quick movement of his beak, he had the key. 

Valeriana let out a quick sigh, she hadn't even notice that she was holding her breath.

"Atta Girl! We'll sneak around a bit to see the surroundings, then next time, we'll be outta here!" 

For the first time in days, Valeriana felt a glimmer of hope, this was the long waited chance she had been hoping for.

Valeriana stalked out of her cell, stretching her limbs, and quietly slipped out of the door. She stole across the bare hall, feeling quite exposed.




Hearing the footsteps of incoming demons, she quickly chose another branch of halls, and, remembering the halls, she continued her path.

Soon, she reached a iron door, and she could hear snatches of conversations inside.

"But the Demon Lord..." protested a tiny, pixie like voice said, 

"I don't care anymore...." a savage voice bit back,

"The Lord's Orders are law!" commanded a sultry voice which belonged to no other than Chavi, Valeriana's fake best friend.

"No! I am tired of all this!" the same savage voice fumed.

There was a loud thunk! Valeriana shivered, the sound seem to mean something, but she couldn't remember, she pressed her ear to the door, but drew back as she heard Chavi's next words.

"Pity, but it was necessary to kill him. We can't afford to have a rebellion started."

"I agree," the pixie like voice said, a slight tremble in her frail voice, "alway terminate the sickness before it spread,I always say. In my village, the person with a serious flu is killed before the virus could spread!"

Valeriana backed away from the door, a slow step at a time. She had never imagined Chavi as a killer, but here she was, murdering in cold blood, with no hint of remorse.

Turning away, she continued the exploration of the huge palace.

Soon she got the feel of the hallways, for demons, even though they are creatures of chaos, had an organized hallway. One section was weaponry, another was meeting rooms, and yet another was the living quarters. But Valeriana was searching for the exit.

Soon she noticed that Sky was no where in sight.

"Sky?" Valeriana whispered,

Sky flitted across, pecking her ears and dragging her hair toward a set of corridors she had never went to. Valeriana, obediently, followed Sky.

As she walked, she could smell the scent of fresh air, and she ran, rushing toward a bright opening in which the blue sky shimmered. She ran toward the gate, then suddenly, with no warning, there was no more ground, Valeriana's arms windmilled, as she flung herself backward.

When she had regained her balance, Valeriana peered down toward the dizzying drop below, and shuddered.

She finally knew what was happening, and all sense of hope abandoned her.

There was no escape.


Corvan stood anxiously at the stern of the ship.

He was going to arrive soon at Arlandia, and he wanted to treat Brindon as soon as possible.

"Arrival in 2 minutes!" yelled a sailor, Corvan turned from the sea, he was a fire elemental, and was glad to be back in his land.

Genevieve was chiding herself, bustling about near Brindon. Brindon had been slipping in and out unconsciousness, and the Celestial Twelve was worrying, never had they faced a kidnap, and a Quest at the same time.

The ship gently nudged the earth, its hull grating across the sand, making a low grinding sound. Corvan walked down the plank delicately, a picture of sophisticated grace, appropriate for a lord of the realm. He made sure not to touch any water, for it made him feel slimy.

One of the sailors accompanied them, carrying the limp Brindon, who was muttering under his breath. The Celestial Twelve had all heard Brindon's mutterings, and they thought he said, "Protect me..."

Shaking his head from these grim thoughts, Corvan approached the Ember Palace. It was one of the most beautiful cites on Valemnia, the red colored stones shines and glimmered in the morning sun. The group all gasped, Corvan kept silent, though he couldn't help but feel proud of his homeland.

The guards stood up to attention when he arrived, "My Lord..." they said respectfully, Corvan fixed them with a cold glare, "Get the healer, and treat the twelfth ranker! I will proceed alone."

He turned sharply and left without another glance. 

Corvan knocked the door of the tearoom, he guessed that his family would be currently relaxing inside.

"Come in!" 

The weary sound of his father's words echoed through the room. Corvan opened the door cautiously and waked in, "Hello, Father, and Mother."

His parents had changed, they were tired, and had a defeated look about them. "Corvan," his mother began, nervousness in her voice, "we've decided to tell you something."

Corvan was no stranger to secrets, he himself had kept several important secret, so he waited patiently. However, his parents seemed unable to continue, so he prompted, "So?"

The Lady of Arlandia glanced at him, her eyes speaking of so many emotions, but one was clear, guilt. Corvan studied his parents, looking more closely now, he could see the line of age, and the tired, worn out look in their eyes. His father massaged his temple, that habit had also been passed down to Corvan.

Corvan reached up too to rub his temples, but stopped in time. Then as the silence grew more awkward and more uncomfortable, Corvan's father finally looked up and met Corvan's questioning gaze.

His father sighed heavily and spoke, "Corvan, you have a twin brother."


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