Chapter 4: Hidden Intentions

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Corvan was furious. How on Valemnia had demons come inside the barrier. After all the trouble into guarding the stupid witch, she had still got her self in trouble. Someone invited them in, someone that wanted Valeriana dead. Now the Celestial Twelve, except Valeriana are holding their own war council.

Pacing around, Charles, the one his "kind" sister Tamara called all brains and no brawns, was speaking, "We need a quest!" Keelan groaned, "We need Valeriana's foooooood!" Shaking his head, Corvan went down to business, "All right, we need a quest, right?" The twins, Genevieve and Zevlin both nodded. 

Then Rowe interrupted, "But will it be illegal, or legal?" When the others looked at him strangely, he explained, "Will we do it under radar, or will we go out and ask for permission?" Still the others looked at him, finally he sighed, "Valeriana," instantly, everyone nodded understanding. 

Brindon, always the quiet one, spoke, startling everyone, "I think he means if we should tell the Academy, or if we should do it secretly." Rowe nodded gratefully, at least someone understands him.

Tamara, always the adventurous one jumped up, "We are doing it secretly!"

Meanwhile, Valeriana awoke, to find herself bound and gagged, with demons carrying her! She thought groggily, "This wasn't the way demons are supposed to act, they are suppose to kill me, no demon would be smart enough to have a plan!" But then she remebered Tod, the intelligent demon, and shivered.

But again, what would they want with her? This was stupid, after they declared she was in danger, she got captured.

Finally, they took the blindfold of her, and she blinked. They were outside the Academy, and moving fast. The demons grinned at her, one even spoke,"Purification, eh? We would kill you, but our master forbids it."

"Who's your master?" Valeriana wanted to know, even when in captivity, she still has her curiosity.

The demons grinned at her, showing their fangs, and hissed out, "You will meet her soon enough." Valeriana snapped awake at that, "It's a she?" That got her curiosity up, but then she supposed that she will have to wait.

Bu then, a green liquid was injected into her arm. She screamed, in her class, she had learned about this. It was called a pain faint. The demons used it to lure their prey into unconciousness, when injected, the vicim will faint of pain, and that was exactly what she did.

When she woke up, Valeriana was in a dark dungeon, the demons seemed to know she was awake, because they opened the cage door and dragged her out. Then, they slammed her in front of a chair that had its back to her. 

The chair turned and Valeriana saw the face she never thought to see here.


Cliffhanger! Please note that I have my own storyline, and maybe it is not MyLovelyWriter's. For those who have not read The Celestial Knight, Chavi is Valeriana's best friend.

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