Chapter 11: The Secret Twin

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"He is your legitimate brother. His name was Cadell, in Welsh, meaning battle." Corvan's father sighed heavily.

Corvan was speechless, "You and Mom?"

The King of Arlandia shook his head sadly, "I was lured away, Corvan, it was my greatest shame."

"No wonder Mom was so sad," thought Corvan, eyeing his stony faced mother. "But how could he be my twin if we are not from the same set of parents?"

This brought a look of unease into his parent's face. 

"Well, Corvan, after I told your mother, she told me that she was pregnant too. You were born on the same day, with exact features. We tested your blood, and that proved you were twins. It was a special case, considering the women that born your brother was your mother's twin sister."

Corvan gaped. "Who else knew?"

"Only the rulers of each continent."

His Mother's features softened, "Look, Corvan, I know this is hard. And your Father was thoroughly ashamed, so he covered it up. Right?" She shot an icy glare toward the Lord of Arlandia.

The mighty ruler of Arlandia cowered under her gaze, and nodded meekly. 

"There was another reason," began Corvan's father, but his wife's warning gaze shut him up.

Corvan didn't notice. He massaged his temples, sighing. "Arland help me. So this is what you wanted to tell me? First Valeriana, then this?"

His parents exchanged another uneasy look, and Corvan felt a sense of foreboding descend upon him.

"Well," began his Father, "we want him to go with you on the Quest."

For the second time that day, Corvan was struck speechless.

"Why? The only amount of people in the Quest was 12! It is the Way, and Zion was just squeezed in! Why this? I told you, it would upset the Balance! What has gotten into you?! First shaming our family, next destroying out Quest?" Screaming, Corvan turned and began heading for the door. Never had such emotion entered him, and never had he yelled at his parents. "What an Utter Disgrace I am," thought Corvan absentmindedly.

His parents both winced as he mentioned his legitimate brother. His Father took another deep breath, then said, "Corvan, the original Celestial Knights were 13 before, instead of 12."

Corvan froze at the door.

"Just think about it, will you, Son?" His father pleaded,

"We Love You, " his mother said it softly, as if scared that she would disturb him.


"We shouldn't do this." Corvan's father paced around his study.

The Lady of Arlandia shook her head. "It was only a matter of time," she whispered.

Corvan's father shot her a look, "Cadell won't be fooled for long. It is dangerous."

"But it will happen. I knew you shouldn't have hid him. It will only deepen the hate. You knew that was what happened. Now, it will be worse." A tear rolled down Corvan's mother's face.

The Lord of Arlandia slammed his had down. "Cadell is different. He wouldn't! Stop talking as if he is already gone."

But Corvan's mother still sighed. "He will find out, my love. He will find out that this is exactly what happened to the Demon Lord that made him like this. Our sons will just be like the Demon Lord and the King."


The news brought instant uproar from the group.

"We definitely can't let him in!" Tamara screamed, "We don't need another sour faced Corvan!" Corvan glared at her.

"On the contrary," challenged Charles, scrutinizing his sister, "His help would be valued, and if he is really Lord Corvan's twin, then we would have a strong force to be reckoned with. Show some respect, Tamara."

Meanwhile, the other members were still buzzing with the news of this strange new twin. But deep down, Corvan had already decided what he wanted to do.

"Mother, Father, show me my brother Cadell." 

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