Chapter 1

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Jace's P.O.V

1. Jab

2. Cross

3. Left hook

4. Over hand

5. Lead upper cut

6. Dodge

7. Tackle

8. Laugh at the almost unconscious opponent

9. Take my money

10. Walk away

That is how it worked every fight. Every night in the same alley, same time, same routine, same people watching, same people betting.

The only thing that was different was the people I knocked unconscious, the money I was paid and the places I threw my unexpected blows. I was the known champion that has never been hit.

"Nice fight tonight Jace." Dan said after he handed me the money I had won. "Same time tomorrow?" I nodded and walked away, like I always did.

That's right ladies and gentlemen, I am a street fighter. Since I was 15 when my dad left my mother for some young chick that I've never met. (Not that I wanted to)

Of course my mom doesn't think that I knock people down, nope. She believes I'm a waiter at Chuckey’s Chicken drive-in so I can help pay the bills. But I like fighting a lot more then... well mostly anything.

I had always known how to fight, I'd always win back then to, my dad had gotten me into it when I was 6. Just never stopped loving it, even when he left. Even when he was beaten the shit out of because he refused to fight in front of me - yes I was there to watch my dad almost die- fighting was my life and I was not giving it up.

I walk home making sure no one was watching me. And head threw my front door to see my mom asleep on the coach the T.V still on.

I walk over to her, her brown hair covering her face. Her lips parted and a little drool coming from in-between them. I turn off the T.V and slowly and gently cover her with the blanket on top of the other coach across the room. And with that I head to my room to do my homework and go to bed.

Then it's off to school to face no one, just scared faces and scared people. I had no friends and that's how I liked it. That meant no distractions, which meant no unnecessarily drama and trouble.

As I put my homework away it was 10 and I needed to sleep. I slowly plop my head on my pillow and fall into a nice dreamless sleep. Just how I liked them.

Case's P.O.V

A new house, new neighborhood, new people, new parents, new school, new room, new mostly everything. Same old, same old. But I did keep some things.

Same attitude, same hair, same close, same dark and scary ora, same fighting habits. Yeah I was different in many ways. My metallic blonde hair made me look emo with the classic poof at the top with black bangs and brown highlights that blended with the blonde. But the rest of me just screamed bad ass.

In every school I have went to I was the one to steer up some trouble. Some people found it annoying while I found it festinating that mostly every person I have fought, boy and girl, all failed to win.

I remember like it was yesterday... Probably because it was yesterday, but then again it's every day.

"Case, honny. You have school tomorrow. Please don't get into to much trouble okay???" I try not to laugh. I was most likely going to get suspended tomorrow and Claire most likely new that, but she asked anyway.

"Okay Claire good night, I'm going to bed now." I lied. I was going to sneak out my windows and try to find a fight in the alleyways.

I crawl out my window and run down the road to the alleyways. There were always fights in alleyways. You just had to be careful if you were a girl. The guys there can be really touchy if you know what I mean...

Once I found one I saw something absolutely funny. So funny yet so shocking at the same time.

Jace Handers the undefeated champion. Every fighter new his name just like they new mine, he was just a lot more popular. They actually knew his face that's how popular he was.

I watched his routine, his stance his muscles flexing with every punch, then sadly it was over and he walked over to his 'coach' and gave him his money.

I laughed as I watched him walk back to his house, his 'coach' staying behind. Now's my chance for some fun.

"I want in!" I yell over the laughing cheering and praising. They were still yelling Jace's name even when he was gone. But once they heard me they went dead quite.

Some looked at me in shock, some in awe but most were giving me the ' you crazy?' look. One guy actually started laughing, I glared at him knowing that was my oh so lucky opinionate.

"You?" I say looking at the guy who blew up in hysterics "You in or are you out?" I say not taking my eyes off of him. He stopped laughing and grinned.

"Bad move girl, you wont see the light ever again when I get to you." A sly smile spreads across my face.

"So is that a yes?" My body was already rushing with adrenalin. The guy hesitated for a moment but then took off his shirt and loosened himself up.

I bounced on my feet ready for his move. To me fighting was a little like dancing, you follow his lead, but once the songs over and the rhythm changes, you take over. That's a little visual for you.

After he's ready to actually move, he does, but for me it's slow and to easy to read. He takes advantage of his feet to much fooling himself into thinking he's lighter then what he really is. He throws a jab and I dodge it almost to easily.

Then he throws a cross hopping to get me here, but I dodge that as well surprising him which gives me time to hook to his body. I punch him maybe to hard for his comfort, but I could have went harder. He backs away gasping for air and I take advantage of him.

I run up to him, to close for him to hit me and jab my right hand in his stomach causing him to double over. I tackle him and beat him until he's almost unconscious. I stand up with people looking at me in awe. Probably because I hadn't broken a sweat I smile and say my signature line.

"Anyone have a lollipop?" I say. People start laughing and cheering.

"Hey, Lola right? I know that's not your real name by the way. Here." He says handing me a lollipop just like I asked. "I think we should talk." He was Jace Handers' 'coach'.

I nod my head asking him to continue as I suck on the lollipop he gave me. "How would you like to fight Jace?"



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