Chapter 7

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Jace'e P.O.V

After I backed away from Case's lips I didn't know what to expect, if anything I was waiting for a slap across the face. Girls and their weird hormones, change their emotions to often.

But I didn't get a back hand to the face. Instead I got a half smile, a tear rolled down her cheek and I was utterly confused... DAMN HORMONES!!!

"Why are you crying?" I asked her.

"Because I liked it." She answered. I raised an eyebrow. How is liking me kissing you a bad thing? I'm telling you people, HORMONES!

"Jace, I have a complicated life." She answered while I whipped her tears away.

"Complicated how?" I asked.

"Let's just say I don't stick around in one place for long." She answered her eyes drying a little.

"So you move a lot?" I say.

"Something like that yeah." Well that was a great straight answer Case thank you...

"Are you going to actually tell me or am I going to force it out of you???" I threatened.

"If I tell you, you have to promise that we don't get to attached to each other, and that you don't come after me... Ever." She said looking me dead in the eye. I know I didn't love her, hell we just met, but she's talking like we've been dating for a while. "I know it sounds really weird and like I'm talking to you as if we've been dating for a while, but this is if you say you love me in the long run." O.o... She read my mind...

"So I can't love you?" I asked the unthinkable question.

"Honestly, you could, and it would be cool if you did. But it would just be so much easier for us if you didn't." Well this hit a whole new level of wtf...

"Will you please explain why?" She gulped down her fear, sat up making me get off her. She walked to the door grabbed the our breakfast and dropped down in front of me. She handed me two sandwiches to start off with. She took nothing for herself.

Case's P.O.V

I watched him watch me as he ate. He wasn't self cautious like most people are around their boyfriends and girlfriends. He would take three very big sloppy bites of his sandwich, and then he would chew them. Well try to, there was usually to much in his mouth to close his jaw.

Never thought I'd meet a guy who eats his sandwiches like sloppy joes.

Jace was full after four and a half sandwiches, leaving me to the rest. I smiled and pulled the bag a goodies over to me. I could polish off all twelve sandwiches, but sharing led me to only seven sandwiches... Well seven and a half but he can eat that later.

"So?" He said staring at me as I pulled all the sandwiches out of the bag and placed them on the floor in front of me and Jace.

"Do you have anything to drink?" I asked politely.

"Orange juice?" He offered. I smiled and nodded.

'How do I tell this guy everything and why he can't love me?' I asked myself. 'Easy, I wont tell him everything, actually I'll just tell him why he can't love me. And if he asks anymore questions I'll answer honestly. No one said i have to tell him everything right now.' I told myself.

Jace came back with two large glasses of OJ and placed them down in front of us as I began to eat my sandwiches. He starred at me the whole time, then he started laughing. I raised an eyebrow my mouth to full to ask.

"You're the one that was sitting at my bench the one day who ate a shit load of sandwiches." I take another really big bite of my sandwich and a big sip of my orange juice and swallow.

"Hey, nice to meet you." I said nodding my head and then taking another chomp on my sandwich. Jace rolled his eyes unamused. If my mouth wasn't full I would have laughed.

"So... That whole not allowed to love you thing." Jace said when I finished six of my sandwiches. And suddenly I lost my appetite.

"Long story short, I'm an orphan." I said putting my sandwich down. His face was priceless. He was shocked, sorry, pitiful, unbelieved and confused. Nothing new there.

"That sucks." He said looking at me intensely.

"Mhm, it used to. Doesn't anymore." I said.

"How so?"

"Well I'll put it two ways for," I said leaning into Jace. "I could be screwed with my biological parents doing whatever they do, or... I could be kissing you." I said placing my hand on the floor right in front of his leg.

"Suddenly I like the orphanage," he said closing the distance between our lips and pushing me down. The thing about us being fighters is different compared to other peoples


We both don't like being on the ground in any way. So instict told me to move and get out from under him, but I held back allowing him to kiss me the way he wanted to. As I have said before, I usually don't date so I'm not good in these situations at all... I really think its better if I let Jace control this one and not me.

He kissed me and I kissed him and we were nice about it. Do you really need more details???


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