Chapter 10

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Jace’s p.o.v

We were at least an hour away from my house and I don’t think that Case can make it that far. I look around to see if there was anything. But oddly there wasn’t a car in sight, in fact, now that I look closer there wasn’t even a car in anyone’s drive way.

“Shit.” I say quietly.

I’d call a taxi service but sadly, they don’t take bleeding people unless it’s to the hospital. As I think, Case rubs my lower back with her good hand underneath my sweater, on my shirt. This gets all my attention.

“We have to take a bus.” She said staring at my chest instead of my face. I nod and look around. There was a bus shelter across the street. The one to my house was 3 but this one was 22. I quickly think if there’s a stop that a lines with 3.

“That’ll work.” I say walking her to the shelter. I only stop when she whimpers. I look behind me and see she’s crouching on the ground only on one foot. In different circumstances I probably would have laughed, but she was gripping her ankle with her good hand as her bad one hangs limp on her side.

“It hurts.” She said standing to her full height again but putting no pressure on her foot. She stumbles to me slowly so she doesn’t put any pressure on it. She was going to take forever.

I walk to her quickly and pick her up bridal style and gently carry her to the bus stop. She was bleeding heavily and her breath was laboured. 

"I think we should go to the hospital." She says to me. I look at her with my eyebrows raised. "Ok I know, but there is a knife going through my arm." She says whimpering. I set her back down in the bus shelter and make sure she's ok.

"My mom's a doctor, she'll fix this up." I then realize her guardian will probably be waiting for her. Worrying. "You'll have to call your 'mother' or whatever." Case laughs.

"Don't worry about Claire, she was going to have me moved soon anyway." This came to me as a shock.

"Why would she do that?" I asked.

"That's what they all do." She says like it was no big deal and that it didn't just make me want to comfort her and prove to her that she means something. I definitely care for her.

She looks up at me. "What?" she asks. I step towards her backing her up until she hits the glass of the shelter. "Jace, stop." She says trying to hold back her amusement and laughter. She has a big smile on her face.

My face was serious so Case stopped smiling.

"Jace?" she asked. I cup her check in my hand and heard her suck in her breath. "Umm."

"Shut up." I told her. She listens, surprisingly. I lean my head in and look into her eyes.

Case P.O.V

I couldn't feel anything, all my senses were incapable of working. Just some of the things that happen to me when Jace is near me. Annoying but true, Jace will never know that... Well I won’t tell him.

"Jace." I say again. He continues to stare into my eyes. I grab his belt loops and pull him closer to me. I was careful with my arm. At least I can move.

"Shh." He says. I hook my finger between the collar of his shirt and pulled his head down to mine. He smirked at my need for his lips on mine. I felt the padding of his fingertips on my bare hips. Then his hands traveled up my back pulling my chest to his.

His eyes still haven’t left mine.

"Case... One day... You'll find a home. I mean like a permanent home." Jace says quietly. I go to say something but he kisses me before anything comes out. It was compassionate, sweet and short. "I promise." He whispers.

I laugh. Quietly at first but then it gradually gets louder. Jace looked confused and scared. He didn't understand until he saw a tear glide down my cheek. Jace cupped my face with both of his hands and kissed the tears away.

When my tears stopped he kissed me again, this time deeper, softer. We kissed until the bus came.

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