chapter 6

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Case's P.O.V

I can't believe I did that!! There are rules Case, your OWN rules! Okay I know you're not good at following other peoples rules but... incWait... What am I doing?

Fucking perfect, I'm talking to myself now.

This morning I had the dream about my parents. I always seem to have the same dream every time I win a important fight which annoys me because I win a lot of important fights. So this dream is about my mother leaving me at the orphanage when I was younger. Okay before I go any farther I just want you to know I don't care about my mother and what she did. Yeah when in was smaller I cried, but wouldn't you when the only person you want to love you abandons you?

Anyway after the dream I had woken up and I had held Jace's had falling back to sleep. And we all know my rules. (If you don't know my rules read the story over again)

But before Jace and I had woken up to get food his mother came in and put clothes by me for today. We exchanged quick thank you's and that was it, she was gone

off to work. I didn't know when she was going to be back but I hope I wouldn't see her again. Not that I didn't like her, but because I did.

"How's your head?" I asked him after exiting the bathroom from getting changed. He had gotten changed in his room and I really don't want to say it but he looked... Cute, I guess. Damn it! How does a simple hand holding thing confuse me so much!?

"I have a head ache." He said not really looking at me. He turned his head but kept his head low and his eyes to the ground.

"Do you have Advil or something?" I asked moving to the side of the door so he could pass through to lead the way to the kitchen. He was careful not to touch my shoulder. I raise my eyebrow but he obviously didn't see it.

"Yeah," he said quitely. I stop walking and stare at his back as he walks away. What the hell is your problem!? I wanted to yell out.

"Cool," I say letting out a deep breath. How easily I had given up was a little surprising considering I usually never give up.

"Okay, I'll go buy us breakfast and be back. Try and cheer up before I get back." I say putting my shoes on and pulling down the shorts that Jace's mom had given me. I was dressed with a long T-shirt and small shorts. Jace's mother was a small women, so the fact that her shorts were to small reminded me that I have to start eating more carbs.

"Alright." He said, I was trying really hard not to back hand him. I walked out the house and ran to the nearest take out restaurant.

THERE WAS A SANDWICH STORE HERE!!! Not once - and I've lived around here a lot more then once - have I EVER seen a sandwich store! What the hell!?

I got 12 different sandwiches and ran all the back to the house. When I got inside it was quiet.

"Hello?" I yelled out... No answer. I got into panick mode. "Jace?" I question. Again, no answer.

I drop the sandwiches and listen, it was quiet but I could her a chain. When my heart stopped racing I could hear heavy breathing and could tell that the chain was the chain the held up a heavy bag (boxing bag). It was below me.

I tip toe to the stairs and listen a little more carefully to what he is saying. Yes I could hear him talking now.

"Why are you so hot?!" He quietly yelled to himself.

"Why did you have to wear my clothes?!" He said.

"Why did you have to have big puppy eyes that are so adorable!?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Why does my heart race, why do you fight, why does my mom love you???" He paused and beat the bag for a while.

"I don't get it." He whispered to himself. I quietly tip toed down the stairs.

"Why are you so perfect?" He said punching the bag.

"Well I wouldn't say perfect... But I guess that's close." I said scaring him.

He slowly turned toward me his eyes opened wide. He looked around looking for help, yeah cause someone is going to help you.

"How long were you here?" I smiled and turned around and go up the first couple of stairs.

"You think I'm hot?" I say smiling. I heard him drop his gloves and run to the stairs that was the time I booked it up the stairs.

He had chased me from the stairs to the kitchen back to the stairs cornered in a corner and the pinned me down to the ground in the living room. We were both barely out of breath which made me angry knowing he was almost as fit as I was.

"Oh come on Jace, it's obvious you like me." I said teasingly.

"I... I... I was talking about someone else!" He panicked which concluded he was totallytalking about me.

"Really? Cause you dicribed me perfectly. Big puppy eyes, your mom loves me, I wore your clothes yesterday... What else," I pause, " oh yeah," I push my hips up knocking off me letting me cradle him making sure he doesn't move.

"I fight."

Jace didn't know what to do with himself. He tried looking at everything but me until I had bent my head down lower to his so he was incapable at looking at anything else but me.

I heard him gulp down his nervousness and anticipation, or was that desire? I couldn't tell, but I knew if I kissed him I would not be able to keep secrets and lying always gets me no where. But if I don't I won't be able to not only not be able to hang out with Jace but also not be able to talk to him without it being awkward. And in a way I couldn't understand, not being able to talk to him scared me more then telling him everything about myself.

So I bent down a little lower. Just a few more centimetres and I would be kissing him. When I looked into his eyes I couldn't tell what he wanted... So... I backed away.

There was a flash of panic in Jace's eyes the further I had gotten. I didn't know why until he had spun me some way so I was underneath him and he was again on top of me.

"What you doing?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Shut up, I'm going to kiss you." I laughed a little.

"What makes you think I'll let you." I say pulling him down so his stomach was resting on mine.

His lips weren't even a centimetre away from mine. "Guess we'll have to see." He said sitting up.

"Where do you think you're going?" I said pulling him back down.

"Well you said-"

"Jace, just kiss me." I say cutting his sentence off.

Before his lips smached into mine he said, "demanding."

Jace's P.O.V

I've only got two words.

Holy shit

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