Chapter One

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Man do I hate it here. Why on earth did I come to this cave. I can't see shit. And I have no light. But surprisingly theres nothing to trip on. And what's weird is that I can't feel any walls. I keep going. I feel something brush up against my side. I jump and look in the direction it came from. I saw a sliver of electric blue flash just out of my vision. Ok I think I'm alone. Just not completely sure. I hope I'm alone. It wouldn't be very good if I wasn't. I continued to walk hoping that there is a end to this soon. As I walked I felt something slither around my legs and tighten like it was tied. I looked down to see glowing electric blue strings wrapped around my ankles. Then there was more they wrapped around my waist and wrists. Then I was pulled into the darkness.

( A/N: SUP . this is my first for error sans x reader. I hope you all liked this Short first chapter. There shall be more. Til next chapter my beautifuls.)

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