Chapter Three

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Error POV

This human sure was strange I'll give her that. But she was kinda cu- no error bad don't think that way. She smells of Undertale Sans. She must come from that one. Wait is she checking me out. ...she has been staring at me for a while. " ya-a-a-a-a done CHECKING me out no-o-o-ow?" I asked smirking. She blushed and said " I am not checking you out." I chuckled and said with a sarcastic tone " su-u-u-u-ure you WEREN'T." She turned her head away and muttered under her breath "Asshole." I gasped and put my hand to my sternum as if offended. " a-a-a-a-asshole. Now th-a-a-a-at's just RUDE." I said in mock offense. She just scoffed and laid on the ground. Brat. I sat down on the white stone like ground and stared at her. Observing her drinking in every detail of her body. (A/N: wow. Being a pervert I see Error.) She was indeed attractive. In a way. Her hair was a brilliant h/c and it was pretty h/l but it suited her. And her eyes were e/c and they seemed to sparkle. Her hair looked so soft. It was hard to resist touching it. So I fiddled with my jacket sleeve. I heard a sigh. I looked up at her and she was looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I began to sweat a little. "Wh-a-a-a-a-at are YOU looking a-a-a-at?" I asked bluntly trying to mask my nervousness, with a fake calm. She snorted and turned her head " something ho- I meant you ya perv." She said nervously looking at me then away.
I snorted " ho-o-o-w am I a PERV?" I asked with a raised skelebrow. " you were staring at me." She said. I blushed a dark blue . " I wa-a-a-as not." I said embarrassed. " oh yeah sure." She said sarcastically. Copycat.

( A/N: greetings. I hope ya are liking this error sans x reader. I worked hard. Still am. Its kinda challenging making three stories at once but what can ya do. Wel see ya on the flip side . til next chapter my beautifuls.)

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