Chapter Seven: Sleep over

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The sleep over with Luke was......different. He went through all my stuff and was a little nosey.

"Hey is this a photo album?"

I grabbed the old book he held.

"Yeah, my mom gave it to me before she passed."

I told him sadly. I didn't notice I was crying till I felt the tear drops roll down my face and fall on my bare knee cap. Luke must have saw because he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."

He went to put the book back on its shelf and I stopped him just before.

"No it's alright. I like looking at it. it reminds me of when my mother was alive and we were happy."

He opened the book to the first page. it was a picture of me when I was about 4 in a blue dress sitting with my mom in her matching blue dress on our out side swing.

"You were so cute as a little kid." he said.

I blushed a little. He went through the next few pages and we talked for hours.

" So you have never skinny dipped? Not even once??"

" No! Do I look like I do dumb stuff like you?" I exclaimed to him.

" Wow. Sad life, plus a little boring. you know...the people across the street have a pool. Maybe we know...go for a swim??"

" What!? No!" I whispered yell.

" C'mon kitty, it will be fun I promise." He said in his seductive voice.

" sure????" I asked still unsure.

" Positive." He did his sexy smirk and I had to agree.

" Fine!"

" Victory is mine!" Luke Said.

So here him and I are across the street wrapped in towels, and about to jump in a pool. I had a huge adrenalin going. How cool was this!! I was not only with a hot guy with an amazing body but o was about to do something totally unlike myself.

"Ready kitty? On the count of three we both jump. one...two.....three!"

And we both dropped our towel and jumped. good thing it was dark, so didn't want him to see my areas or vise versa. But holly shit was it fun!! we splashed their for hours!! we laughed and swam and just messed around. Then lights came on.

"Who's out there?!" Yelled the bewildered owner.

" Get out!! Run!!! Hurry!!!"

Luke whispered yell at me. So I did, I got out and grabbed my towel, waited for his slow add and we ran. ran as fast as we could back to my house. we snuck through my window to wake my dad up.

"OH MY GOD!!!! I've never had that much fun in forever!!!" I said excitedly.

"Haha chill there kitty, you should go shower first, then me so we don't stink like chlorine."

"O- ok." I stuttered.

God he was so hot shirtless. I never really noticed how tan he was. He must have seen me gawking at him cause he smirked.

" You might want to take a picture to take in the shower with you." He replied to my staring with his famous sexy smirk.

I blushed and headed towards my bathroom and started the water, set my clothes on the toilet and walked in to my now steaming shower. I felt relaxed when the hot water touched my bare skin. After I was done bathing, and dried and was dressed, I got out to find Luke reading my photo album again.

" It's all yours there chief." I told him as I walked towards him.

" You were so adorable. I wish I still had my photo album. All these pictures and the perfect moments and all." Luke Said and for once he sounded sincere and sad. But to quickly he shut it, put it back and went back to his former jerky yet attractive self.

" So do I have any hot water?"

I giggled. " Yes you have plenty of hair water." I told him and giggled again.


And he disappeared into the bathroom. Around 20 minutes later he came out shirt less and in his boxers.

" What? I sleep in my boxers. Guys do that." He told me.

I was laying in bed and didn't realize my gawking. Gosh I need to get a hold of myself!!!

" So am I still sleeping on the floor?"

I thought about it and realized I didn't want to sleep alone.

" No I was thinking if you would wanna......sleep in my bed....with me??? And I mean SLEEP. Nothing else." I told him stern.

He smirked at me. " Sure thing kitty."

He crawled in the bed, his front against my back. But it felt nice so I relaxed in the bed and he draped his arm around me and held me there tight.

" Good night kitty cat. Hope you like dreams with me in them shirtless cause you seem to like it in real life."

I could hear his smirk as he said it. That arrogant jerk. Before I could think of more insults I fell into a peacefully sleep with no Luke and Luke abbs.

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