Dreams & Other Lost Things.

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This is a sequel to Bea & the Broken Record that I think you might love if you read the first one! I decided to write this so that Bea and Asher have more of an ending. They kind of ended on a confusing note, so I figured this would be a good opportunity to tell them the rest of their story.

With old memories popping up everywhere she looks, secrets being revealed, and mysteries being solved, Bea doesn't know how to handle it all. When Asher and she are reunited, it doesn't go as Bea had hoped. He isn't the same, but then again, neither is she. Can they put their differences aside and figure out how to find their dreams - and a few other lost things?

Chapter 1: His Name is Lucas.
"Asher!" I yelled as I squirmed in his arms. My loud voice didn't seem to faze him in any way because he held me tighter, twisting me around so I was facing him. I had never felt so together, full of love, and happy in my entire life. This boy was holding me in one piece, just as he always has.

"Bea!" He mocked my voice. I grabbed his face between my hands and squished his cheeks together to make a fishy face. His hands fell off of me and I leaned forward to kiss his fish lips before he rolled the both of us backwards so that he was on his back and I was on top of him.

"I'm sorry," I said randomly while staring at his closed eyelids. They suddenly popped open and I laughed.

"For what?" He asked.

"I'm sorry that I can't let you go on tour. I'm going to lose you, and I can't let that happen," I explained as I propped my elbows on his chest and frowned down at him while my cheeks crowded my eyes.

"You won't lose me, Beatrice. You never will, no matter the distance." He leaned up and kissed my squished lips.

"Promise?" I asked, tracing my fingers over his once again closed eyes.

"Promise," he smirked. "Remember that song by All Time Low... The one about the sheets and the states?"

I chuckled. "If These Sheets Were States?" I asked, dumbfounded.

He nodded his head and took a relaxing deep breath. "Yeah, that one. If these sheets were the states and you were miles away, I'd fold them end over end to bring you closer to me..." He sang quietly.

I always had goosebumps when he sang to me. This time they felt like they were permanently stuck on the surface of my skin, there to remind me of just how he made me feel. Each goose bump was a different feeling.

The sudden noise coming from far away made me lose the sound of Asher's sweet voice. I turned around on his chest to see Eleanor standing there, hands on hips, with an annoyed expression carved into her sharp features.

"Wake up, Bea. We have lots to do today!" Her Alabamian accent rang through my ears and I turned around in hopes to hear Asher singing to me again, but he was gone. In his place were my bright quilted pillow cases staring back at me.

It was all a dream.

How could a dream feel that real?

The goosebumps were still stuck on the surface of my skin. They slowly disappeared as the feeling of being safe and in love drained out of me an ounce at a time. It was saddening.

For the past three years I had wished and prayed for a way to make my dreams be true, even if just for a day. But sadly, that hasn't happened yet.

My roommate, Ellie, smacked my legs with a stray pillow I must've kicked off the bed and hurried me to get up. As I sat up on my all-too comfortable bed, I glared at her bouncing blonde curls and retreating brown cowboy boots over her dark skinny jeans.

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