-First kiss-

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Harry Potter:
You've known Harry now for three years and you two were best friends. Harry had been fed up with the whole Sirius Black thing lately and you did anything to keep his mind off that.
You walked into the commonroom with Hermione and saw Harry sitting, staring into the fire. You sat down next to him and lay your head on his shoulder. "You okay, Potter?" He nodded. You knew it wasn't true, so you ignored it. "Tell me. What's bothering you? Is it Black again?" Harry shook his head miserably. "Potter! Look at me." You grabbed his head with your hands and turned it towards you. "It's gonna be okay. Okay?" "It's not.", he spoke softly. Confused you looked at him. "Okay, what's going on." "You and Neville. That's what's going on!" "Me and...." A smirk crept onto your lips. "You jealous Potter?" "No! Mayby... Yes." What he didn't know is that you had this crush on him. "Look (Y/N), I really..." You interrupted him by kissing him.

Ronald Weasley:
Ron's crush on you got worse by the hour. He had been annoying Harry with it. "Just ask her already!", Harry exclaimed as Ron told him again about how beautiful your hair was. "She doesn't like me!", he complained. "How do you know?" "Yeah, how do you know?", you said from behind them. You had followed to whole conversation. Ron froze and shot a freaked out look at Harry. Harry laughed and left you two. You sat down next to Ron on the ground. "You really like me, don't you?" He nodded and blushed. You smiled and hugged him. "You know, I kinda like you too." You stared at each other for a long time. "Oh my God! Just kiss already!" You heard Harry call. Ron smiled sheepishly and kissed you.

Fred Weasley:
You, Fred and George were planning a prank on Goyle and Crabbe. The three of you were sitting in the common room by the fire. A dozen papers were spread across the ground and you were frowning at the paper in your hand. "Are you okay?", Fred asked you. You looked up from the paper and nodded. "Yeah, it's just that this was a very good prank, but I think they'll expect it. Mayby we should come up with a new one." "Yes! I love that!", Fred exclaimed, looking like a little kid on Boxing Day. You giggled. You and Fred were now together for two weeks. "George?" "Yeah, great idea."
"Come on (Y/N)!", Fred yelled and pulled you with him. "Did it work?" He nodded fast. "Yeah, but Snape is coming after us." "Where's George?" "He ran the other way." The two of you ran through the hallways dodging as many students as possible. You knew that on the end of the hallway was a cove and when you reached it, you pulled Fred in it. "Did Snape see you?", you whispered. Fred shook his head. "No, why.." "Shh!" You looked around the corner and saw Snape coming. "Quick! Do something. Pretend we're, I don't kno-" Fred pushed you against the stone wall and kissed you. You kissed him back and felt his hands on your hips. Snape ran by looking rather confused. You smiled against Fred's lips.

George Weasley:
"Hey Mudblood!" You growled. Malfoy. That bastard has been bullying you since the first year. It's been four years now. "Mudblood! I was talking to you!" With a sigh you turned around. "What Malfoy?", you snapped. "Mudblood's a bit cranky isn't she.", he said and his whole entourage laughed, "No date for the ball?" "Ofcours I have a date for the ball!" But you didn't. "Right, and who is the unlucky lad." "Uh.." "Me!", someone behind you said, "And now get out Malfoy before I'll jinx your face." Malfoy walked away looking rather angry and you turned around. George Weasley was standing in front of you with a huge grin on his face. "Sorry I didn't ask you yet, but do you want to be my date for the ball." "Yes, I'd love to.", you said breathless. Your crush just asked you to the ball and you had a hard time not to freak out. "Are you okay?", George asked concerned, "I mean, how long is this with Malfoy going on?" "Since the first year.", you whispered almost in tears, "He is right though. I'm never good enough." George took a step closer to you and stroke your hair out of your face. "Stop talking rubbish.", he said softly, his face really close to yours, "You're amazing." There was only an inch between your lips and George closed it.

Oliver Wood:
"Oliver! Stop!", you squealed. "No! Never!" There was one thing you couldn't have and that was tickling. "Please!! Stop! Oliver!", you screamed. "Say it!" "No! No! Never!" "Say it! Or I'll never stop!" "Fine! I'll say it!" Oliver stopped tickling you and looked at you. "Well...?" You sighed. "Oliver Wood, you are the most annoying little brat in the world.", you jumped up and ran away. "No! Wait! Come back!", Oliver yelled and he chased after you. Because he was way faster than you were he caught up with you in no time and pushed you against the wall. "We were not done yet.", he whispered which made you shiver, "Now tell me what you wanted to say otherwise I'll tickle." "Fine. Oliver Wood you are amazingly handsome and a real gentleman. Happy?" "Not exactly what I had in mind, but it'll have to do.", he said. "What did you have in mind then?", you whispered sceptical. "More something like 'Oliver you are the most handsome lad ever and the best kisser I've known." "I can't say that, I've never kissed you.", you said with a smirk. "Yet.", Oliver finished your sentence and he kissed you.

Neville Longbottom:
You and Neville had been friends since you were both three and knew each other through and through. So when you saw him today you immediatly knew something was wrong. He was avoiding you and being even more nervous than usual. You were tired of being ignored by your best friend, so the next time you saw him you grabbed his hand and took him somewhere private. "Wha- Oh hey (Y/N)." "Hey (Y/N)?", you said furious, "You've ignored me the whole day and the only thing you say is 'Hey (Y/N)'?" Neville looked at his shoes. "I'm sorry. It's just that I thought the feeling would go away if I didn't talk to you." "What feeling?", you asked not knowing what he was talking about. " "Please (Y/N), don't ask me that!", he pleaded, avoiding your eyes. "Neville! We're best friends, you can tell me anything!" "Not this." "Neville don't be ridiculous! Ofcours you can tell me!" "I'm in love with you.", he mumbled. "What was that?", you asked. "I'm in love with you, okay! I love you (Y/N)! Happy?" You were so stunned you didn't say anything for the first couple of seconds. "I knew you didn't feel that way.", he mumbled and he walked away. "No! Neville! Wait!" You ran after him, grabbed his hand and pulled him towards you. "I do feel the same way.", you said and you kissed him.

Draco Malfoy:
You were sitting in the Slytherin commonroom reading your favourite book. You heard someone come in, but didn't bother to look up. "Did you see Weasley's face." Draco, your boyfriend of a week, walked in with his usual little club of followers. You still didn't look up and wished they could all shut up and let you read. Draco sat down next to you and pulled you closer to him. You still didn't react. He kissed you on your cheek and rested his chin on your shoulder to see what you were reading. "Watcha reading, babe?", he whispered in your ear. You turned the cover to him without any words and read on. "Babe, I'm bored.", he whined. You shrugged and didn't say anything. "Baaaabe! Please talk to me!!", he whined again and he placed a kiss on your shoulder. "Babe? Babe? Babe?" You smirked and kept on reading. Then he grabbed your book and threw in on the ground. "Draco!", you exclaimed and you tried to smack him on the head. But he pushed you down and kissed you. "This is better.", he mumbled against your lips and you smiled.

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