You die in the Battle of Hogwarts

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Harry Potter:
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Where are you!?" Harry ran around the Great Hall after the battle had come to an end. He tried to hold back his tears while he fought through the panicking crowd. "No. No, no, no, no!" He stammered as he saw you laying slumped against a wall. "(Y/N), please don't be dead. Please, baby." He stroke a string of hair out of your face and choked on his tears. "I love you, baby. I'll always love you."

Ron Weasley:
"Come on! Let's go! Ron, we have to go!" Hermione yelled. Ron didn't listen and hugged you again. "Please, be careful out there. Promise?" He said. "I promise. Go on! Go and save the world, Ginger. I love you." "I love you too. So much. Please be safe!" "Don't worry about me. Worry about those Death Eaters. They'll have to face me." You joked, you were nervouse though. "Leave you moron! Save the freaking world." "Okay. Okay, yes. I love you!" Hermione and Harry dragged him away. You stood there, smiling and waving. If was the last he'd ever see of you.

Fred Weasley:
"Bombardo!" You yelled. The wall broke and made a barricade to protect you and Fred from five Death Eaters. "Let's go!" You grabbed his arm and ran straight into Lucius Malfoy and Fenrir Greyback. "Fuck!" You cursed under your breath. "Wingardium liviosa." You muttered, so the Death Eaters couldn't hear it and a wooden stick floated over their heads. With you wand you let the wood hit Fenrir. He fell to the ground, grunting in pain. You pointed your wand at Lucius Malfoy to hex him, but before you said the hex, he said: "Avada kedavra!" The spell hit you in the chest and you fell in Fred's arms. It was over.

George: (George's POV)
I was running around like a fool. Not knowing where to go. I didn't know where (Y/N) was and I just lost Fred. Seeing Fred lying there was like a dagger in my heart. My brother, he's gone. What if she is dead too. I won't survive that. I saw Lee and Oliver together, it seemed they were crying so I walked toward them. In Oliver's arms lay (Y/N). Dead. The same dagger hit me again. "No." I managed to say. It sounded stupid. Not enough. Oliver gave her to me and I sank to the floor. "(Y/N), please. (Y/N)? No! What happened?" I asked Oliver, her brother. But Oliver shook his head. Lee didn't know either. It didn't matter to me. She was gone.

Draco Malfoy: (Draco's POV)
It's my fault! It's all my fault! (Y/N) is dead and it's my fault. I never should've recruited her as a Death Eater. (Y/N) and I were fighting Kingsley Shacklebolt together. We were winning, but McGonnagall got in between and hexed her. I don't know what spell it was, and I don't care, but it killed her in the end. When the Battle was over. When we were walking home and talking about the future. She just tripped, fell and never got up again. I begged her to hold on, but she had given up already. Told me it was alright. Time to let me go. That she loved me. I love her. But she's gone. And it is my fault.

Neville Longbottom:
"You foolish girl!" Lucius Malfoy sneered. "Do you really think you can win this?" I put on a smile. "You know, father" I started, really stressing the word father. "I think I have a fair chance." I disarmed him and aimed at him. "Any last words?" My father grinned. "You know what it is with wolves?" He started and I looked surprised. "They hunt in packs." And when he finished his sentence I was knocked to the ground by Fenrir Greyback. The pain I felt when he sank his teeth in my neck can't be described. I let out an agonizing scream. "Leave her alone!" I heard Neville, my boyfriend, scream and Fenrir was blown aside by some sort of spell. "I love you." I whispered and then I was gone.

Oliver Wood:
Together with your boyfriend Oliver you were leading the air attack. You were now throwing some sort of bombs from the Weasley twins. Suddenly you were chased by some Death Eaters. They were no threat to you, though. Because they seemed to fly for the first time in their life. "(Y/N)! Dive!" Oliver yelled and you dove toward the ground, sending that Death Eater right into the Whomping Willow. Cheering you turned to Oliver, but instead of him you faced another Death Eater. Which aimed and killed you in a second.
Oliver saw you tumbling off your broom and sped to you to catch you. When he realised you were dead he chased that Death Eater around and made him fall into the Whomping Willow too.

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