Tom Riddle - Promise me

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You were panicking. There was a freaking beast on the lose, killing muggleborns. The problem was you were a muggleborn. After Myrtle got killed you decided to hide in the Slytherin common room. Myrtle and you were never really friends, but still. Your best friend Tom was trying to make you feel better. "(Y/N), relax. It won't hurt you." "How can you possibly know that. I'm a muggleborn too, Tommy." A shadow past over his face. It looked like guilt, but then he smiled again. "I won't let it." You laughed. "Oh Tommy, there's no way you could control such beast." You said and you ruffled his hair. "I can try." He whispered and he had one of those looks on his face again. Those looks creeped you out. "That's very sweet, but it'll kill you and I don't want you to die." "It won't kill me, as I'm a pureblood." "Tommy, if you try to kill it, it won't give a damn whether your pureblood or not. It'll defend itself. Just don't do it. I'll be fine." "No, you won't! It's out there killing mudbloods -I mean- muggleborns! It won't look the other way just because I love you." "Just because you what now?" You smirked. Tom turned bright red. "I -uh- I mean -uh-." He stammered. He closed his eyes. "I love you." When he opened his eyes and saw you were smiling, he smiled too. "I love you too, Tommy. I just don't want you to die protecting me." "I won't die. I'm not going to let it hurt you, (Y/N)." "Promise me you won't go looking for it!" You said and you gave him a stern look. "(Y/N) -" He started, but you kissed him. "Promise me." You said after you pulled back. "I promise." He said softly.

Hi sweeties,
I was writing and this happened. Yeah, Tom Riddle is such a underrated character.
Hope you liked it!

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