what i'm saying is that its not pancake day for 6 months...

89 15 22

Tagged By: maiiels


You must post all of the rules

You must tag 15 people

You must post 13 facts about yourself

You must answer the 13 questions given to you

You must create 13 more questions for the people you tag

You cannot say you won't do this tag

You must post this within a week, and I have the authority to remind you

You must be creative with the title



1) My full name has 19 letters. (Lindsey Elise *******)

2) I'm going to a Fall Out Boy concert in Grand Rapids this Tuesday! (March 8th, 2016)

3) I used to like Temmie from Undertale, but now she's annoying because everyone makes her annoying.

4) I almost burnt my house down trying to melt Nutella.

5) I hate public speaking and presentations.

6) I had a major Sonic The Hedgehog obsession in 2012. It resulted in 4 OC's that I can't even remember the name of, or what they looked like. Except one was purple and blue I think.

7) Speaking of OC's, I have over 200 Warrior Cat OC's that I also can't remember. I'd check, but all the data from the computer upstairs (where I created them using templates and Microsoft Paint) was deleted...

8) My Zodiac is Aquarius.

9) I am very patriotic and I think it's unhealthy.

10) I am a sinnamon roll.

11) I am 14 years old.

12) I stutter when speaking to people I'm not close with/adults (also that I'm not close with.) For example, I tried to tell my science teacher a pun the other day, and I stuttered a lot. Told the same pun to one of my friends and said it perfectly.

13) I signed a petition to let the students at my school continue to carry their backpacks around.


1) What's your favorite anime?


2) What country are you from?

The United States of America.

3) How do you see/describe yourself?

Unattractive, humorous, average (intelligence wise), shy (depends on the situation), extroverted, realist, sinful, caring, friendly, obnoxious, sarcastic, fun, weird, lazy, curious, hesitant and dramatic.

Basically, I'm the most introverted extrovert ever.

4) If you were to travel, what's the first place you'd visit?

New York City or Yellowstone National Park.

5) Anime OTP?

SoMa or FrUK.

6) Most favorite memory?

I have no idea, honestly.

7) Is there any language you would want to learn?

Other than Spanish, I don't really want to learn anything else.

8) Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Night Owl, definitely.

9) Do you prefer summer or winter?

I like both, for many reasons, but if I had to choose, it'd be summer.

10) Are you single or taken?

Well, in reality, I'm single. And I probably will be until college.

In the RP universe, I'm married.

11) What do you want to take with you if you were on a stranded island?

Drinkable water and edible food. Lots of both.

12) If you had one chance to travel in time, where would you go? Past or future?

The past, to when we had that 1.6 billion dollar jackpot. 

13) What's one thing you'd want to change if you could do it over?

How much time I spent eating in 1st-3rd grade. *pokes stomach*


1) What's your favorite noise?

2) If you could have 1 wish, with absolutely no tricks or riddles, what would your wish be?

3) If you were to have a son and daughter, what would their names be?

4) Favorite sports team?

5) What's something you regret?

6) What time zone are you in?

7) Least favorite number?

8) Are you procrastinating something?

9) Favorite TV show? (Anime excluded)

10) Favorite old TV show? (Still no anime)

11) Favorite music artist(s)?

12) Have you ever broken a bone?

13) Favorite vegetable?



I love you guys don't hurt me.

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