"Oh by the way the name is Marius"

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"Erm, excuse me, are you alright down there?" I asked as I looked down at the poor lad how was holding on to his leg, from his facial expression he looked like he was in pure pain. "N-No, not really." A voice started. "Do you need a hand up?" I asked offering him a hand down so he could grab on. "No, no, I'm fine I can get myself up." He retorted. I smirked to myself, a typical teenage boy for you right there, trying to act all big. I saw him attempt to get himself back up multiple times, but each was accompanied by failure. He set himself back down and huffed. "Is that offer for a hand still open?" He sighed keeping his eyes to the floor, probably because he was so embarrassed. I laughed to myself and reached my hand down to his. He took it and I slowly pulled him up. Once he had made himself comfortable back on his feet I took a better look at him. He had fluffy, stretched ringlet style hair, he had snake bite piercings in his bottom lip and he had a White patch of what seemed to be a skin pigment on his chin. He offered me a soft smile as a sign of thanks as he slowly let go of my hand. He hobbled around back to the bin to pick up his pennyboard and he slipped it under his arm. He then whipped out his iPhone from his pocket and started to frantically type on not, not realising I was still there which was kind of awkward. I decided that my work here was now done and I slowly started to walk away. As I walked down the long pathway that lead out to the exit of the park I heard behind me the sound of a skateboard or should I say pennyboard again. I just ignored it, figuring it would only be the boy making his own way home as I was. I watched him as he passed in front of me and suddenly he changed his direction so now he was right in my eyesight, his phone still in his hand.

"I really should thank you for helping me out back there. How about I make it up to you and take you out for a coffee, or maybe a pizza if you don't like coffee, you look like you're a fun girl." He started, looking up at me his eyes filled with hope. I just laughed to myself, shook my head and moved out of his way, continuing to walk on my path. I never go out with guys, I ever rarely go out with friends, as I have said I have none really, this guy is not going to be an exception.
After a few seconds of me walking off the sound of the pennyboard once again came into my earshot. I rolled my eyes as he once again began to speak.
"Well that was rude." He started. "I was only trying to be nice." He sounded pretty hurt by my reaction and I stopped in my path.
"Look, I'm sorry but I don't really go out with people, like not just you, people in general. I like to be left alone so if you don't mind I'll pass on your offer." I replied and once again I continued to walk down the path even though in a matter of seconds I was stopped again by this boy with his white chin.
"Why? A beautiful girl like you, I don't understand, unless you have a boyfriend I mean, someone who stops you from going out with other people? Is that it? It is isn't it?" He wondered.
"No, no it's not, I just don't socialise." I huffed slowly beginning to get fed up of this boy and this whole situation.
"I don't understand" He muttered
"Good. You don't need to understand." I stated once again trying to walk away but was again I was prevented.
"I want to know." He whispered looking right into my eyes his hand resting on my shoulder, like he was trying to work me out.
I laughed to myself "So what, so you can get into my bed? Thanks but no thanks." He immediately moved backwards from me, his face full of hurt.
"I'm not like that." He mumbled.
"And how am I supposed to believe that?" I retorted shaking my head and turning my glance towards the floor. There was no reply. I lifted my head up to look at him and started laughing.
"Exactly, just like the rest. Why did you even have the idea to ask me to go for "coffee"" I scolded at him.
"B-because, I noticed you all alone, and you caught my attention, just before I crashed into that bin and you helped me. I thought you looked like the type of person that needed a friend, and I want to be a friend to you. And as you have said, you don't have any friends. Even more of a reason for you to accept me as a friend." He explained.
"No." I replied bluntly and once again made my way past him and continued on the path up to the main road.
He didn't follow me again. I had made it all the way back up to the main road and back to my house without hearing his stupid old skateboard again. And quite frankly I was relieved. I always kept myself to myself and that was that. No exceptions.
I started to turn my key in the lock when I heard a twig snap from behind me. I instantly jumped round, causing my automatic front garden light to turn on and light up the space in front of me. I saw a figure standing just inside the gate, holding a pennyboard in his hand. I rolled my eyes and huffed making my way over to him.

"Seriously what do you want now? Can't you leave me alone you creep?" I scolded at him.
"I'm not going anywhere until you say yes to my offer and you let me have your number." He chuckled, leaning his slender figure against my front gate. I let out a huge sigh and just stood in the same position for a good few minutes, assessing the situation and pondering what to do with this lad. I looked down at my watch and realised it was nearly 3am. Fuck I need to sleep.
"Fine." I stated reaching my hand out to ask for his phone to input my number. He smirked to himself and handed it to me. After typing in the digits I gave it him back and he nodded his head.
"Thank you." He smiled.
"Now get out of my front garden." I moaned giving him the hand gestures that said "go away".
He began to leave and I turned back around to unlocking my door, laughing to myself about the whole events from the past hour or so. What was the matter with this kid, why on earth did he care about me? No one cares about me.
"Oh by the way, the name is Marius." He called from behind me just as I was shutting my door.

The Memory Jar. - A Mazzi Maz fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now