The orangey/cream dress

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*Maz's P.O.V.*

"Come on Daisy it will be fun" I pleaded her giving her my best attempt at puppy eyes.
"But Maz you know I don't socialise well with people, you know that better than anyone" She moaned in response throwing herself down onto my bed and putting her hands over her face.
I perched myself on the corner of my bed leaning into her direction and I started to beg, in a more childish sort of way.
"Pleeeeeeeaaaaassseeee Daisy Waisy" I began trying not to laugh.
"Oh for gods sake Maz please do not start that now" She laughed rolling over onto her front putting a pillow over her head.
"Daisy Waisy"
"Maz stop"
"Daisy Waisy"
"Maz I swear to god"
"FINE I'LL GO" She shouted throwing the pillow into my face causing me to stumble and nearly fall off my bed.
"Yaaaaay!" I screamed childishly in joy. She just laughed at my actions and shook her head.
"When is this party anyways?" She asked.
"Erm, in 6 hours to be exact." I replied cheekily.
"IT'S TODAY?!" She jumped up shocked.
"Well yes I was going to mention that before you started having a go at me about the idea in the first place." I laughed.
She stood there silent for about five minutes with her hands in her hair.
"Shit fuck shit I need to go get ready! What am I even going to wear?!" She started to panic quickly putting on her shoes which were by my bedroom door.
"I've already got that covered" I replied walking over to my wardrobe.
"What do you mean Maz?" She asked me confusion evident all over her face.
I opened the doors of my cupboard and reached right to the back to pull out the garment in which I knew Daisy had been wanting ever since we went shopping a few weeks ago. It was a knee length, frilly orangey/cream dress. Who am I kidding I have no clue what this dress is I just knew she wanted it and I wanted to treat her to it. I brand it out of the closet so that it was in her full view. Her reaction had to be one of the funniest things I'd ever seen. Her mouth just dropped open in surprise and no words came out. She made her way over to me and took the dress into her hands, looking deeply at the fabrics and feeling the texture.
"Is this really for me?" She asked quietly and slowly looking at me.
"Of course." I replied smiling at her. After hearing those words she quickly wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me the biggest hug.
"This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, thank you so much." She squealed into my ear. I just smiled and held her tightly in the hug.

*Daisy's P.O.V.*

"That should just about do it" I breathed taking in the reflection of myself that was in front of me in the mirror. I had put on the dress that Maz had bought for me, curled my hair, put on some natural make up and put on some silver accessories aswell as some silver heels. I didn't often wear heels because they got on my nerves but I felt like this party was for some reason an exception.

I took one more glance at myself in the mirror and grabbed my phone and handbag before making my way out of my room and across the landing towards the stairs. As gradually descended down the stairs I could hear my mother shouting, it seemed like a very one sides conversation so I kind of gathered that she was on the phone to someone. As I approached the kitchen the conversation became more clear to me.
"I don't care Celia, go out there and get it sorted now, I don't want to have to come back there myself and pick up all of the pieces, it will take years! Honestly can no one in this bloody company do anything right!" She screamed down the phone.
"You can say sorry all you want it's not going to fix anything, just get it done." She finished before ending the call and slamming her phone down on the counter. I coughed as I entered the kitchen so that she was aware of my presence.
"Oh Daisy darling you look fabulous!" She squealed and came over to me to take a better look at my outfit. She adjusted my dress straps and moved a part of my hair out of my face, trust her to pick out the minor details.
"Mum who was that on the phone?" I asked completely changing the subject. After hearing that my mother tensed up.
"Oh you heard that did you?" She asked frowning."
"Yup" I replied popping the p.
"It was just someone from the New York office, things are getting a bit tense over there. No one seems to be doing anything right." She sighed.
"The magazine is crumbling and some of these photoshoots just aren't looking up to scratch and it needs addressing." I looked over at the kitchen counter and saw that mum had been looking at precious issues of the fashion magazines that the company in which she works for produces.
"I bring models in to the magazine because I believe they will look flawless in photographs then I get photographers who really couldn't give a damn about the job and I'm fed up with it." She signed making her way over to the counter again. I followed her and looked over at the magazine pages she had open. She was right, the photos did look awful. The angling was wrong and the white balance was completely off in all of the photographs, two minor problems in the production of photographs which cause the biggest impact on the result of the image.
"I bet you could do a lot better than what these 'professionals' are doing." My mum stated looking at me, wonder evident in her eyes. I looked back at her confused. All was silent for a good few minutes.
*bing bong*
In that moment the doorbell rang. I jumped up quickly in the realisation that it was probably Maz coming to pick me up.
"Right mum I've got to go, I will be back later, love you." I rushed giving her a quick peck on the cheek before walking towards the front door.
"Have fun darling!" I heard her call back to me.
I got to the front door and paused, I had my hand on the door handle and I was ready to turn it and open it, but something inside of me tensed up and froze. I was nervous about Maz seeing me like this. I don't exactly know why, i just was. I took in a deep breath before opening the front door and embracing the person who was behind it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2014 ⏰

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