chapter five; heat

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The ending of the last chapter made me so emo guys.

We tried to put my cat in the pool today now i have scratches EVERYWHERE

So this chapter will be kind of lame its a filler but u learn some stuff about juniper and how she feels about carl.

This chapter is dedicated to red-thunder because shes cool af go follow her and give her books a read (SAGE IS AMAZING 20/10 WOULD RECOMMEND) and give her some love💙💙

Love you søfia, this sappy chapter is for you.


I watch the sun sink below the clouds and bury itself in the trees ahead.

Carls been asleep all day on the couch, I finally got the courage to wake him up and move him to the bedroom. In the process of getting him up the stairs he almost fell asleep on my shoulder twice. His woozy mood seemed to make him drunk with sickness.

I step down off of the porch and set off on my journey to the deserted pharmacy.

Carl needs medicine, I think I should get what he needs. Or else he may die.

But, like I've said before, I initially did not want his company. Now the thought of being alone and letting my emotions take over my actions is atrocious.

It's nice having someone help steer your way through the pain of living on a dead ridden planet

"But you didnt want him with you. Now he's just another burden to carry on your already weak shoulders."

"I feel like I have to do this for him, or else I'll be alone steering my own wheel again."

"What's wrong with independence? What's wrong with guiding yourself in your own direction? He is guiding you in the wrong direction."

"But this feels right."

"Then make it right."

How could I make this right? Or more right than it already seems to be? I'm going to get medication for a sick boy that I'm with. I'm helping him out. Isn't that the right thing to do?

I look down at the rough list I sketched for things I need for Carl. A thermometer, water if they have any, rags, a bucket, Advil, Levofloxacin or Piperacillin, syringes, band aids.

Good thing I went to that Doctor training. Or else he'd be fucked over.

I stumble on a can and look up from the list to find myself yards away from the pharmacy door. How convenient.

"Get more bandages too... His eye looks pretty bad." I whisper to myself as I walk up to bang on the doors.

You imitate the actions of someone you look up to.

Two female walkers come and press their decaying bodies against the doors. Snarling, growling and biting at me.

They want me as their next meal.

"Come on bitches! One on two lets go!" I yell while I hit the glass with the end of my knife and watch it shatter around me feet.

(Her Name Was) Juniper; C.G. Where stories live. Discover now