chapter nineteen; paroxysm

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hi my names olivia i am alive and i am sexually attracted to the male genre of person thank

i just came out as aromantic fuck you


"What would you like to drink sir?" The brown haired waitress asks me from the counter.

"Um, dark roast, with cream and no sugar." I answer her.

This isn't your usual coffee shop, books line every wall and no electronics are allowed. Everything is done the way it would be done in the 50's.

"And I would like chamomile tea." Juniper says from the other side of the table. "Odd coffee shop isn't it?"

"Yeah, yeah a little." I respond.

"Your eyes, you look confused. What's wrong, Carl?"

"N-nothing this is just,-"

"A dream." Juniper blurts, cutting me off.

"Is it?"

"Think about it... you have two eyes, theres a busy street outside, a waiter just asked for your drink. Seems a little strange doesn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

I end the conversation by pretending to read the spines of the books, music plays in the background and I hear Juniper hum along and stand up from her seat. I look up to her and see her holding her hand out.

"Dance with me."

I look around, everyone else in the shop has seemed to disappear, along with the tables and chairs.


I jolt awake, the pale white and blue room around me is now dark. The lights have been shut off and the sounds of walkers moaning from behind the glass.

My sense of sight seems to know whats going on, while my brain doesn't, "Juniper?" I call out into the pitch darkness.

"She's not here dumbass, I knew you would ask for her." A feminine voice comes from the air

"But she was here."

"We all get the same dream, someone we love alot tells us everything's gonna be ok. Well thats bullshit right now. Do you know how long I've been here?" The voice which I've concluded belongs to the blue haired girl says.

"Four months. I haven't moved from this spot. I don't even know if my legs work." She explains to me before I get a chance to respond to her question.

"Carl," She speaks up from the darkness. "My name's Cassi."

"Nice to meet you, Cassi." I say in between sighs.

"The lights will come on soon," Cassi says, "He keeps us on a weird sleeping schedule. So when he says its 8 in the morning and it's time for breakfast, it's probably six pm, fun fact."

"How long have I been asleep? I ask.

"Asleep? Well since you've been out the lights have gone out never so I'd say about like a couple hours."

"It felt like days."

"It always feels like days when he gives you that shit. Pretty soon you'll be asking for it."

"I doubt it."

"Morning snickers!" A deep voice with a thick accent and a hint of yellow teeth booms from the blackness.

"Can we have snickers?" Another voice says.

"Fuck no, here have some light. It's breakfast time." Cage says as he flips a very loud switch and turns up some very loud, bright lights.

I turn around and see him pounding down the cement stairs with a bowl in his hands.

"Guess what I have today!" He says mockingly.

"Cheerios." Cassi replies to his trick question.



"I have honey nut Cheerios."

"Holy fuck, wow." Cassi replies to his answer sarcastically.

I roll my remaining eye as Cage starts to trudge over with his large, heavy, gross feet and starts feeding us, one by one, a handful of Cheerios by pouring them into his grimy hand, and basically shoving them down my throat.

Looking to my right, down the line, I see as Cage viciously shove Cheerios down the throats of the kids. Some of them barely look old enough to be ten, while some near my age.

Gut-wrenching hatred boils up in my lungs, my stomach, every organ I could think of.

He moves on to the next person, closer to me.

Cheerios, next child, Cheerios, to the right.

The ringing in my ears grows louder.

My bloody wrist are free of restraint.

Tears well up in my eyes.

My face grows hot.

My hands are around the evil man's throat.


fuck you

(Her Name Was) Juniper; C.G. Where stories live. Discover now