Metting The Alpha

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The day was perfect. Damon was perfect. My feelings were perfect. Everything was perfect in tell I drove home that day. I new I had to tell my mom. And I know I just turned into a wolf and I know she wouldn't want me to grow up and be a woman and leave her to live my life to have my own kids.

Hell, I don't even know if he wants to have kids with me or even have a real relationship with me. But I guess that will have to be a question I would have to ask.

As I pull up in to the driveway my heart races. I don't want to hurt her, I love her to much. I put my car in park and turn the key off, this is it. I know I have to tell her, but first I will have a run.

'Mom.' I mind link her. 'Want to go on a run today? Relax some mussels?'

'Sure dear I will be out side.' She responds.

I smile and hop out of my car, stepping behind a tree. I strip naked and I close my eyes tightly to be welcomed by my bones cracking, I let out a cry and see my hands to be paws. I let Rose do this.

Rose walks to the front door and sits and just stairs at the door.

'Rose whats wrong?' I ask.

'A man is in the house, unknown.'

'Oh my gosh...Get in there!' I yell.

She jolts forward and knock's down the door. We take a big whiff. The smell is a good smell but still unknown. My mom walks forward with a smile, Rose sniffs another time.

'Who's here.' I mind link my mother.
"Melody!" My mother screeches. Rose and I here a shuffle coming towards us. Our eyes lock with a pair of light brown ones, filed with worry.

"This must be Melody." The mans voice was deep and powerful.

Rose growls in response.

The mans face turns hard and he glares at us. Worry flashes across my face.

"Clearly Melody has not learned her place." He says stepping toward me picking me up by my scruff, I let out a whimper. He threw me arose the room and I landed on the glass table shattering it. I felt something sharp in my side, I look at it.
'Rose are you okay." I try to stay strong for her. Knowing this is hurting me more than it is hurting her.
'How dare he hurt us.' Was all she said. The man stepped again in front of us kicking us in the our side that has a piece of broken glass in it. We whimper in pain. I look at my mother for help. She had pain across her face. I whimper again when he kicks even harder.

"Please stop this Alaxsander!" I hear my mother plea.

"She has yet to learn her place Maybell, I thought you would have thought her better. Not to growl at her Alpha." He smirked. I whimper in pain.

'Sorry Alpha I did not know, my apologies.' Rose submits.

"Ah yes, Rose is it?" His voice booms.

'Yes Alpha.' She says with her head still low.

"You and Melody need to be taught a lesson, disrespecting me." He says in his Alpha voice. Pain courses through my body and I whimper, the class still in our side.

"Please Alpha spare them." My mother pleads. Alpha looks at her with a grin.

"A week in the cell, wolfs bane once a day." He says and walks towards us picking us by our scruff again. I let out a whimper as he takes out the glass with his other hand and throws me towards the stairs. "Go shift and get clothes."

And with that Rose dashes upstairs and into our room. She shifts right away not giving me time to prepare myself. Bones crack and a cry escapes my now human lips. I stand up to gain balance.

'Go get dressed and grab a week worth of cloths.' Rose says sternly.

"Are we really going to do this all because we didn't know he was some Alpha?" I ask getting dressed in a tang top and dark blue jean shorts.

'Yes.' And she cut off the link.

I grabbed a weeks worth of clothes and stuffed them in a black bag. I slipped on my black vans and ran down stairs, so many thoughts ran through my head. Like is this shit for real?

I felt the Alphas eyes on me as I walked down the stairs.

"Pretty little thing." He smiles. I took a deep breath and looked at my mom.

"Mom don't let him take me." I whisper to her and she frowns.

"I can't Hun, he's the Alpha he dose what he wants. Just do what your told and you won't be harmed more than needed."

I nod and the Alpha grabs me by my elbow pulling my harshly out the door.

"So..." I start because I am the curious person I am. He gives me an amused grin. "I'm sorry....but can we just put this behind us...I mean you are the one who hurt me and Rose, we only growled."

"Don't be smart with me. I do what I want. I suggest you do what your mother told you." He says dragging me through the woods.

"Look...I just found my mate so if your dragging me into the woods to kill me, could I at lest say. Good bye to him?" I ask. He looks at me with a fucked up smile.

"A mate? Good, he will feel your pain." He says and walks further into the woods as the night falls above us.

"P-pain?" I mutter. Damon dose not need to be in this.

"Yes deer, know just shut your fucking trap." He hanks me closer till a clearing, a big, no not big, huge mansion comes into view.

"Hold up, you life here?" I say stunned.

"Yes, along with my pack."

"Am I part of it?"

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