Chapter 65: Among the Guardians

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Chapter 65

Among the Guardians

The mighty black dragon stood before the puny, insignificant Pokémon as she glared down at them with crimson eyes burning with an unfathomable spite. She released a violent roar that shook the very ground Terron and Novus stood upon, sending powerful tremors through their bodies. They hastily covered their ears and struggled to keep their footing.

"I thought I sensed your presence," Zekrom growled, her deep and commanding voice flowing not just through their ears, but their minds as well. "Separating yourselves from your pack and disguising yourselves to appear like that to hide from me, are you? You spawn are very clever."

Zekrom opened her mouth to release another roar, but the group was quick to see a glowing blue light forming at the back of her mouth. All of them instantly scurried out of the way as she expelled a tremendous pillar of blue fire upon the spot where they once stood, instantly incinerating all of the vegetation. The fire continued to spread through the field as the Pokémon ran away from the vicious dragon. Zekrom let out another frightening roar as she instantly shot into the air. She immediately began breathing more fire upon the land, setting the world ablaze as the frantic Pokémon ran about it with no clear sense of direction.

"Novus, I thought you said she was going to help us!" Terron hollered to the faraway Quilava. "I don't know about you, but getting myself killed isn't exactly what I'd call helpful! Why didn't you tell us she was a vicious monster?!"

"She's not! She's benevolent!" Novus insisted. "She thinks we're Blight Demons! She can sense the blight in your soul and Nyx's and must think you're them!"

"So that's what the spawn are," Terron realized under his breath. "The spawn are Plagued Ones. But if they're the spawn, then what was that robot from earlier?"

Terron's thought process was suddenly interrupted, for a stream of dragon fire crashed down upon the ground a few feet in front of him. The heat from the fire nearly scorched him, even at such a distance. He tried to turn tail and run in another direction, but just as he did, Zekrom landed before him. He toppled right over onto his back from the violent impact. Her eyes flashed as she raised up a winged hand, showing dangerously sharp claws ready to rip him to shreds.

She plunged her claw straight down upon the Cubone, quick as lightning despite her bulky size. Thankfully Terron was able to roll out of the way just in time, barely avoiding the points of her claws as they became embedded in the ground. He hastily got to his feet as he fled from the great dragon. He didn't dare attack her; he knew he stood no chance against her.

Terron immediately felt something grab him by the back of his jacket and lift him high off the ground. He was instantly flipped around, and soon found himself in Zekrom's grasp, raised up to her eye level. He could feel all of the energy coursing through her veins flowing through his own body, making his blood circulate faster. However, it did nothing for him, for the dragon held him tight in her grasp. He couldn't even move his arms to retrieve a bone weapon from his coat.

Zekrom opened her jaws, revealing an entire mouthful of sharp incisors ready to cut him in half with a single bite.

"Let him go, wretched dragon!"

A mass of darkness slammed into Zekrom's temple, causing her to close her jaws into a grimace as she held up her free arm to take the brunt of the attack. The darkness continued to beat down upon her, but it didn't seem nearly as painful as before. Terron looked over to find that Nyx was shooting Zekrom with a Dark Pulse with a dark glare. She appeared to be trying to make the attack much larger with how the size of the pillar fluctuated rapidly, but seemed unable to do so.

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