Chapter 89: Nowhere To Go

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Chapter 89

Nowhere To Go


"You lie! Where is it?! Where is the portal?!"

Zekra watched Len scream these words as he lowered his stance, as if ready to pounce. He bared his teeth as he let out a guttural roaring sound and the air around him was making Zekra's fur stand on end. However, despite the fearsome sight, the Suicune, Entei, and Raikou standing before the Luxray only seemed to smile more. They straightened themselves as they jeered down at the enraged Luxray before them, ignoring Zekra, Crystelle, Impetus, and even Reshiram despite how much he towered over them.

"Ah Len, we already told you," the Raikou said. "We got rid of the portal. There's no longer a portal to be found here on this mountain. You came here for nothing."

"No, there's a portal." Len insisted. "There has to be. You wouldn't dare remove the portal and cut off access to that thing in Giratina's realm... You moved it somewhere else, didn't you?"

"Maybe we did, maybe we didn't," the Raikou said with a dismissive shrug. "It's not in this room, that's for certain. And you're certainly not going to be finding any way to the master with all of the trouble you're going to cause it...Oh no. We can't have that. The master doesn't' exactly enjoy bothersome guests in its domain. And all of you are very much quite bothersome."

It happened before Zekra could even blink. One second, the three legendary beings were standing their distance from the group, shooting Len taunting grins. And then, a split second later, Zekra felt something frying her insides, harming both her and Venri at once. She felt Venri screaming within her as she toppled onto the floor, her plague's tendrils writhing painfully inside her so much that she worried Venri would release her grip on Zekra's organs and muscles. The burning continued snaking through her nerves as she continued to lay there until her body suddenly became numb. She stopped being able to feel the cold ground beneath her or Venri's tendrils crawling through her insides. Zekra tried to move her claws, but was soon to realize that her body wouldn't respond to any of her commands.

All she could do was glance back at her companions from the corner of her eyes.

Everyone else had met her same fate. Impetus and Crystelle lay in heaps near her, their eyes wide and tears streaking down their cheeks, but remaining motionless.

Even Reshiram lay toppled, though from how he had been blown out of the room and had much of his divine plume doused in water, Zekra imagined he had taken the brunt of the leaders' true power. Everyone else had only been hit with a mere fraction of the power.

The only one who had not been toppled was Len, who still stood strong before his former masters. Burns streaked along his sides and many areas of his fur was singed, but he otherwise stood unharmed.

"Hmm, I had forgotten that electric-types are immune to paralysis in this generation. We come from a time when this was not the case," the Raikou mused. "It's quite pitiful for you, Len. It only means that you're going to die a much more painful death."

The Raikou then lunged forward with his jaws open wide, the metallic plate centered upon his muzzle gleaming maliciously as he closed in on the Luxray. Len deftly leapt out of the way as the beast was to sink his fangs into the Luxray, and then pushed himself against a nearby wall. Then, before the Raikou could make another move, Len landed upon the Raikou's back, digging his claws into his lavender pelt as his teeth emitted sparks. Then, before the Raikou could buck the Luxray off of him, Len sank his fangs into the Raikou's neck.

The Raikou let out a hoarse, weak roar before he suddenly began to fall over onto his side. Len swiftly withdrew his fangs from the Raikou as he leapt off of his back just as the great beast collapsed onto the ground. His limbs convulsed and twitched as his eyes darted about in his eye sockets, but he seemed unable to control his limbs in a coordinated fashion. Len spat out the black residue dripping from his fangs as he shot his former master a sharp glare.

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