Chapter 86: Out of Time

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Chapter 86

Out of Time


Terron and Zekra closely followed behind Venri as she led them to the Fellowship base in her illusionary Sableye form. They raced briskly along the cobblestone roads as they rounded buildings, ignoring their throbbing hearts that beat painfully in their chests. Terron considered asking Zekra to change into a flying-type instead of remaining in her Zoroark form so that they could reach their destination much more quickly, but before he could muster up the words, a conversation started up in front of him.

"Venri, what do you mean Novus found Len?" Zekra tried to ask, trying to stifle the shock in her voice. "I thought he was with his team back in the Fellowship or wherever they went after the Plagued Ones ruined Aurora Town!"

"Look, I don't know what's going on either," Venri said with a shrug. "I mean, Yimtri and I were just murdering ea... I mean, hanging out, and then next thing we know, Reshiram's with us and he's got Len all passed out and everything! And then Yimtri started yelling at me to go get you guys while Reshiram went to go find Impetus or whatever he said."

"Well, does Len look okay?" Zekra then asked.

"Well I don't know. I mean, it's kind of hard to tell with him being asleep," Venri replied. "Look, you'll see when you get there, alright? We're almost there."

Zekra shot Venri a glare and seemed ready to make a retort at her, but kept herself silent and simply continued to follow behind the Sableye. However, Terron didn't put it past her to instead resort yelling at Venri in her mind so that Terron couldn't continue to hear their conversation.

Minutes later, the three finally arrived at the old Aurora Town Fellowship. Just as Venri had described, Reshiram and Yimtri were before the giant tree's entrance, gazing down at what appeared to be a slumbering Luxray at Reshiram's feet. However, they weren't the only ones to be attending to the Luxray. Standing at the Luxray's sides were an Audino and Mienshao, the Audino lightly stroking Len's mane with one paw while holding one the feelers around its ears with the other paw, while the Mienshao stood silently by. Terron didn't have to look long to realize that Mienshao was Impetus, crossing her arms over her chest and doing her best not to move.

Terron, Venri, and Zekra were only able to take all of this in before Yimtri abruptly turned toward them. His eyes flashed momentarily as his thoughtful scowl deepened.

"What took you so long, Venri?" he asked in exasperation. "It should have taken you five minutes to bring them here with how you can literally appear right in front of Zekra in the amount of time it takes me to snap my claws. In the amount of time it took you to bring those two here, Reshiram already brought Impetus here and my healer is nearly done assessing the damage Len's sustained."

"Well I'm sorry I didn't get here faster than Reshiram!" Venri shot back. "Maybe Tear and Zekra were in the middle of something and I didn't want to interrupt!"

Yimtri shifted his glare to Terron and Zekra, which made Terron gulp even though he knew there was no reason to fear the Sableye. It seemed to be a reaction he could never get over after their history together.

So that's what they were doing. Should have figured that. Looks like Zekra finally got the nerve to talk to him, though amazingly Terron was more reluctant than I expected. Seems he is no longer as short-sighted as he used to be. Good. I can't afford for him to be that way anymore. I can't have liabilities on my side. Not anymore.

Terron knew those were Yimtri's thoughts. The thoughts were in Terron's voice, but Terron knew that they belonged to Yimtri. There was no other explanation for why those strange thoughts were in Terron's mind and why they were directed at Terron himself. Yimtri must have somehow seen Terron's memories from not too long ago and was making mental remarks about them.

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