entering teiko, my personal hell

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*I do not own the anime kuroko no basuke or it's characters except for my oc Gin.*
P.s I'm a big fan of deadpool so expect Gin to break the fourth wall at least ten times or more per chapter.

Gin's POV
There's only one word that I can describe the situation I'm in right now.
"Noisy" I thought annoyed.
"Join the poetry club!!!" screamed the upperclasmen
"No you look very athletic join the swim team!!" argued another
"Obviously he should join the music club he's listening to music."yell another one pointing to the headphones on my head.
Your probably very confused right now my dear readers right now I'm literally surrounded by upperclassmen asking (demanding/screaming) at me to join their clubs.
"Okay enough is enough" I roll up my imaginary sleeves and prepared for the fight of my life.
"Hey what's that over there!!!!" I point to the opposite direction that their looking(me).
"I don't see anything." said upperclassmen #1
" your right I don't see anything either." agreed upperclassmen #2
"Are you sure you saw anything?" asked upperclassmen #3 turning towards the empty space where I used to be. freaking out wondering how a guy who's 6'1 with bright orange hair could dissapear. But now I can finally go to the club that I wanted to join
The Basketball club (what did you expect the art club no this is a basketball anime of course I'm going to join the basketball club for a very good reason to...... I not going to tell you obviously you'll just have to keep reading in order to find out.) I sighed taking my headphones from my neck and putting them on my ears playing the song face everything and rise by papa roach.
As I began my search for the basket ball club avoiding people here and there I had the foreboding feeling that I might regret coming to this School......meh it's probably nothing (oh how wrong I was.)

Random upperclassmen POV
"Hey coach do you think we'll Get some really good players this year?"I asked or coach.
" We already got some pretty promising players so far, but who knows maybe we'll get another interesting player.......... Oh Akane( random name) welcome back did you find any freshmen to joi-" the coach stopped talking when he realized that someone was carrying Akane by the back of his school uniform.
"I brought him back couch" anime cried Akane
"Don't you mean I brought your back senpai~" teased the orange haired giant.
"Tall" we all thought as we stared at the freshmen as he put down Akane, he turned towards us, making me realized his stare makes him look extremely lazy, but it is also makes him look very intimidating like he is looking down on us.(of course I'm looking down on you your all so short.)

Gin's POV

Man I know I'm tall and all but these guys are freaking short, when I walked up to the guy who was shouting about the basketball club,I walked up to him and kindly (who and I kidding) asked him about it, but all he did was just stare at me, I asked him again but he just kept staring at me so I picked him up by the back of his collar and told him to point to the direction of the basketball stand. (I just did a Kagami)
"So is this where I sign up for the basket ball team?" I asked lazily towards the person who I assumed was the coach.
"Yes my name is Kozo Shirogane but if your here to join the basketball club then call me coach, so are you interested in joining the basket ball team, if so here's a sign up sheet." said the coach sliding a sign up sheet on the table and gesturing for me to sit down.
"Hhhaaii coach-San that's why I'm here." I replied sitting down and began right down my answers.
" I'm glad you seem like someone who is really good at basketball, however in order to stay in the basketball club you must keep up you academic grades, so when you applied to join teiko middle school and did and pass the test they should have already sent your placement of the test, and the score if you have it with you please hand it over." said the coach
Man the coach sure can talk a lot by the time he was done talking I was already done with the sheet and looking in my school bag for the paper he was asking me for.
"Here you go coach-san I already finished the form, and I already know how I did on the test so you can keep the paper, just what time are the tryouts for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd strings at?" I asked the coach standing up.
"The tryouts are at 3:30 thirty minutes after school ends in the third gym, if that's all you need to know then have a goo-"
"Coach he already left." muttered the random upperclassmen to the coach.
So after I did all of that I finally went to gym for the speech from the principle about how the matto of the school, something about always winning yada yada, right now I'm in my first period classroom waiting outside the door for the teacher to call me in
"Quiet down now students we have a exchange student from America so treat him well kaminari-san you may enter now." called out the teacher.
I walked through the door and soon noticed that some of the students are very colorful(can you guess who I'm talking about)
I walked to the front of the room and turned towards my teacher.
"Introduce yourself to the class kaminari-san." said the teacher.
"Haaii sensei my name is Kaminari Gin nice to meet you all." I said boredly. Wait hold the phone are the female population of this classroom blushing??? (They better not be fangirls those things are scary)
" great know you can have the empty seat by aomine-san please raise you hand aomine-san." said the teacher.
A guy with tan skin, dark blue hair, and dark blue eyes raised his hand.
"Hey my names Aomine Daiki nice to meet you." he said with a large smile on his face.
I nodded back at him and turned towards the teacher as she began to teach.
" I already learned this." I thought staring out the window to my left. Soon all of my classes were over and I headed over to the third gym for basket ball tryouts. When I got their I noticed that I was fifteen minutes late.
" hey you there basketball tryouts started fifteen minutes ago why are you late?" demanded a upperclassmen.
I stared at him for a few seconds before making up a brilliant(stupid) excuse.
"A black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way around."
He stared at me with a deadpan look before facepalming, and pointing towards the other freshmen for me to line up with them.
" so know that we are all here lets begin first we'll see which set of string you'll Go into the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd string if you make it into the first string then you'll become regulars for the teiko basketball club, if not then you can work yourself up in order to make it into 1st string."
" but that's impossible no ones been able to make it to 1st sting on the first try." mumbled a guy next to me.
"We'll see about that." I thought to myself.

Time skip

"Okay the people on first string will be Akashi Seijuro, Aomine Daiki, Murasakibara Atsushi, Midorima Shintarou, and finally Kaminari Gin, that's all for today hit the showers and head home." said the coach.
A lot of people were surprised that five people were able to make it to 1st string for the first time.I wasn't really that sweaty so I grabbed my bag and headed home.

* well the first chapter is done, I know that I really didn't introduce Gin to the GOM but I'll do that in the next chapter tomorrow*

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