meeting the yellow copycat, completed rainbow

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Kise Ryouta's POV

As I continued to count how many times I can kick a soccer ball in the air, the only person left was some guy who looked like he was about to quit so I decided since I already got a A for the gym assessment then-

"What's the point?" I thought as I half-heartedly kick the ball into the net.

When the ball rang for school to be over the gym teacher and the students kept giving me surprised looks as I left gym class.

"Man I still need to join a club,it doesn't matter what club I join because I'll always be good at it." As I was lost in my thoughts I didn't even notice that I stopped right next to the first gymnasium.


Wow~ those guys are awesome, and their both middle schoolers, how can they play like that?" I thought as I looked at the guy with dark blue hair, and an even taller guy with bright orange hair.

As I continued to stare at them in awe I felt something touch my leg, when I looked down I noticed it was a basketball, when I picked it up I looked back at the two guys only to see them walking my way.

"Wwwaaaa their walking towards me, okay calm down Kise Ryouta, they probly only want the ball back,but what if they noticed me staring at them for the past five minutes!!"

As I continued to argue with myself I didn't that they've been in front of me waiting for me to respond.

"I think he's dead Daiki." said the guy with orange hair, waving his hand in my face.

"Wwwaaaa I'm not dead, sorry I was just spacing out there, here's your ball back."

When I tossed the ball to the guy with dark blue hair, the other guy snatched it out of the air.

"To slow Daiki." he teased while he stuck out his tounge.

"Sorry about him, he's been bored all day so this happens, oh I'm Aomine Daiki, and this is Kaminari Gin." introduced Aomine.

"Nice to meet you Aomine-cchi, Kaminari-cchi, I'm Kise Ryouta nice to meet you sssuuu."

Before they could comment someone called them over.

"Kaminari, Aomine stop slacking off you two still have to practice."

"Gomen Kise that's our coach calling us over,maybe we can talk again." apologizes Aomine before he started to walk away.

"Kise if you haven't joined a club yet,then you should join the basketball club, I have a gut feeling you would enjoy it." said Kaminari as he slowly began walking away before looking over his shoulder at me.


As he walked away I couldn't help but feel surprised that someone could see through me so easily. As I began walking home Kaminari's words kept replaying in my head.

"You look bored Kise, if that's the case then don't turn your back on things, because who knows, things can get pretty interesting if you look in the right places."

*Time skip one month*

Kaminari Gin's POV

As we played more and more matches with kuroko on our team now, the scores only got wider as we continued to get stronger. When I heard that Kise joined the third string a month ago, he quickly made it into second string, before the day finally came when he joined us on first string.

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