Weird lunches, First basketball match

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Before my stupid alarm clock could make another sound I slammed my first on it crushing it instantly. I groaned rolling over in my king sized bed before getting ready for school. I enter my bathroom, and take a thirty minute shower before stepping out drying off, putting on my teiko uniform and my black skull candy headphones around my neck.
As I'm walking through my apartment (imagine something similar to Kagami's apartment) I enter my kitchen and make myself 12 fried eggs, 10 pieces of bacon, 9 pieces of toast, miso soup, 4 servings of white rise, and to top it off a cup of coffee with creamer( I'm super scary without my coffee). I make my self a large bento(lunch) for school.
I look towards the clock noticing that if I leave right now then I'll only be late to school by at least ten minutes.

*Time skip at school*
As I enter the classroom the teacher stops talking to the class turning towards to with the most annoyed look on her face.

Aomine's POV

Man the teacher has been talking non stop for the last ten minutes something about the teiko matto, and how we should strive to be the best,and how anything else is unexceptionable( I'm quiet sure I spelled that right.) right when she was about to take roll call the door opened to reveal the new exchange student from America.
"Hey wasn't he at basketball practice yesterday?" I thought curiously looking at him.
" Kaminari-san why are you late to class?" demanded of teacher

" Gomen sensei I was lost on the road of life." he replied lazily.
The teacher, no the whole class looked at him with a deadpan look before thinking.
"I'll let you off the hook only this one time Kaminari-san, now go take your seat." she sighed.
he regarded the teacher with one last look before taking his seat by me.

"Hey Kaminari congrats on making it onto first string with me and everyone else, but I didn't see you in the locker room after practice, where did you go?" I asked him

"Oh hey Aomine-san I wasn't really that sweaty after practice so I just grabbed my stuff and went home." he replied lazily.

"What really practice was pretty tough, I'm still a little sore, you must be pretty strong, oh we're on the same team so just call me Daiki." I told him with a grin on my face.

"Okay Daiki, then you can just call me Gin then." He said looking me in the eyes.
I've only talked to him twice now but this is the first time he's. Actually looked me in eyes before, to say the least his gaze although makes him look lazy it's pretty intimidating.
"Maybe that's why the teacher let him off the hook." I thought

Gin's POV

Just like yesterday everything the teacher taught was so boring, I'm quiet sure I fell asleep until Daiki kept nudging me with his foot.
So right know is lunch break, and my desk is literally surrounded by the girls of my class.

"Do you want to have lunch with me and my friends?"
"I'd rather not" I thought.

"No he promised to have lunch with me!!"
"When did I ever make such promise??" I thought annoyed.

"Nnoo Kaminari-sama has to have lunch with me, so that he can eat these cookies I made for him!!!" yelled another with a wild look in her eyes.

"Note to self Watch out for this one I'm quiet sure she either has rabies,is a HUGE fangirl, or in a worst case scenario both.......someone save me!!!"

" Hey Gin come have lunch with me and satsuki." yelled Daiki from behind the crowd.

So after five grueling minutes of getting from my desk to Daiki and a pink haired girl who I learned was momoi satsuki, we went up the rooftop to have our lunches.

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