A Day With The Miracles, What Could Go Wrong.

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*Kaminari Gin's POV*
Warning Gin will be a little OOC in this chapter.

As usual classes had once again been boring with the teacher lecturing us about the Teiko motto,then going over curriculum that I already learned. Heck Daiki and Atsushi were so bored they fell asleep five minutes into the lesson. As I began nodding off ten minutes into the lesson(hey at least I lasted longer than the other two.) as I was about join them in dreamland the when the teacher suddenly slapped his ruler against the chalk board hard.

*SLAP!!* that immediately woke both of them up it even made Daiki fall out of his seat while Atsushi jumped at least a foot in the air.

As Daiki flopped around on the floor for a few seconds he shot upwards and looked around frantically before he saw at the front of the class was the teacher with multiple tick marks on his head.

"I can expect this behavior from Kaminari, but know both you and Murasakibara-san I'm deeply disappointed Aomine-san,but since this is the first time you've ever fallen asleep in my class then I'll only give a warning this one time,this also applies for you too Murasakibara-san." warned our teacher.

"Now onto a important matter at hand tomorrow evening is the schools annual sakura viewing festival and all students who attend this event must wear a traditional kimono. Also there will be a special paper lanter lighting ceremony where you and a partner will light a paper lantern and release it into the sky at sunset, making your fate and theirs intertwined forever."

As soon as he brought up the festival both boys and girls were chattering in excitement at the thought of going to the famous school festival. Some a little more excited than others when they heard about the paper lantern ceremony.

"KKKKKYYYYYAAAW maybe I can light a paper lantern with Kise-kun."

"I know rriiiggghht but I want to light a lantern with Aomine-kun."

"But what about Kaminari? If I can light a candle with him then our fates would be forever intertwined."

"KKKKKYYYYAA!!!!" Screamed the girls in our class at the thought at lighting a paper lantern with one of us.

'After what I just heard there is no way in hell I'm going to the festival now.' I thought to myself trying to suppress my shiver at the thought of going to the festival.

When classes finally ended and since the festival was tomorrow we had no practice for the next two days. As I began to walk out of the school I was stopped when I saw everyone by the school gates waiting for me.

"Kami-cchi what took you forever? We have to hurry up and go to Akashi-cch's house." said Ryouta as he started to drag me away.

"Why are we going to Seijuro's house?" I questioned trying to keep up with the energetic blonde.

"Since none of us have traditional kimonos we're going to his house to get some tailored for us." answered Daiki.

"There's no need for that, I'm not going to the festival." I replied as I tried to walk the other way.

"WWHHHAAA but Kami-cchi you have to come!!! We're all going so do you!!" sailed Ryouta as he latched onto my back making it more difficult to escape.

"Don't wanna."
"No..... Dammit Aomine-cchi come help meee!!"

"Sigh~~ common Gin we're all going so do you."(translation- if I die at the hands of the crazy fangirls then I'm dragging you down with me.)

"If it makes you feel anybetter then we can all stick together and watch each others backs." popped in Tetsuya.

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