Trainer from hell, the first real game

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Gin's POV

*Time skip one week*

The sound of squeaking shoes, and bouncing basketballs could be heard throughout the gym as the first string basketball members did their hellish training.

"Man I thought training was hard before, now I think he's just trying to kill us."

I thought as I wiped my sweaty face with a towel, I looked towards the others noticing their just as sweaty as me.

"Gather up everyone, okay you've all been training hard this week and I appreciate that however, from this point on it's only going to get harder." he paused looking at us.

"But other than that I have something important to say to the first years tomorrow Teiko middle school will have practice match against Kesasaki middle school(I made up the name.) even though this is a practice match nothing other than victory is exceptionable, now go hit the showers." finished the coach.

Groaning could be heard in the lockeroom as the first and second years got changed.
As I changed into my Teiko uniform,I grabbed my school bag and began leaving.

"Oye wait up Gin!" yelled Daiki as he ran to catch up with me.

"Yawn~ what do you want Daiki?"

"I'm going to the store to get some ice cream do you wanna come?" he asked hopefully.

"Sure ice cream sounds good right now."

As we were walking to the store Daiki had this troubled look on his face, I through he was going to ask me a question but all we did was talk about random stuff.

After we got our ice cream(I also bought a bag full of junk food.)
We were walking in silence for a few minutes before I finally asked what was bothering him.

"Well it's just that... Well.. Hey Gin are you nervous for that practice match tomorrow?" he asked looking away.

"Oh so that's why he's acting weird,he's nervous for tomorrow's game, I'm not surprised after all everyone is expecting us to win."
I thought.

Daiki looked at me as I continued to walked silently before finally answering his question.

"Not even slightly, because I know we'll win tomorrow wheather it be by a small or large margin doesn't matter as long as we win.........besides if you start to feel nervous just remember you can rely on me and our teammates." I smiled gently as I patted the top of his head.

"I-I-I KNOW THAT OBVIOUSLY....... I'm just a little nervous." he replied as he rubbed his head while facing the other direction so I couldn't see the blush on his face(but I know it's there.)

"Don't be with a team like us no one can stop us."I said confidently as I threw my ice cream stick behind my back into the trash can ten foot behind us.

SWOOSH( I quiet sure that's the sound it would make.)

*Time skip at the practice match.*

Coach Shirogane's POV

"Remember even though this is only a practice match nothing other than victory acceptable for Teiko, Kaminari you'll be doing the tip off, other than that have fun(Win)."

"Coach are you sure they'll be alright by themselves? I know their strong,but they've only been in the basketball team for a week." said Nijimura skeptical about the firstyears.

"Of course they'll be, their strong...... Besides if they start having some trouble then they have Kaminari with them."

"You have a lot of faith in Kaminari Gin why?" questioned Nijimura.

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