The beginning of the miracles, Ultimate victory

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Kaminari Gin's POV

After I came back to school the next day after my birthday, Seijuro and the others wouldn't stop bugging me about where I was but I always gave the same excuse.

'I won the lottery, but I didn't need the money,so I donated it to help save the dolphins.'

'A ninja came to my house and tried to assassinate me,but it's okay he's sleeping with the fishes now *makes a cut throat gesture*'

'I ran into my doppelganger and we had coffee.'

With my last excuse they finally gave up and went on with the school day. When lunch finally came Atsushi and Shintarou were both by my sides as they warded off the dreaded fangirls. When we all arrived at the cafeteria we saw it was crowed.

"Why don't we eat on the rooftop today gentlemen." said Seijuro, who looked like he didn't want to go in there either.


"Oh sorry Momoi,And lady." apologizes Seijuro.

"It's alright Sei-kun lets go to the rooftop."said Momoi as she began to skipp, while dragging Daiki with her.

As we sat at the rooftop and began to eat our lunches, I noticed that Seijuro didn't have his and instead he was reading a book.

"Hey Akashi-kun where is your lunch?" asked Tetsuya as he opened his bento.

"Whaatt? You didn't bring a bento Sei-kun? But it's okay I made extra." said Satsuki as she opened her bento of death.

I could already tell Seijuro didn't want to eat her bento(the poor guy was sweating bullets,while Daiki said it was nice knowing him.)

"It's okay Satsuki,I promised Seijuro yesterday I would make him a bento to congratulate him on becoming the captain." I lied as I handed him one of the smaller bentos I brought with me(while I discreetly winked at him.)

"Thank you for worrying though Momoi but this will be plenty." said Seijuro as he opened the bento that I made.

"HUH I want some of Kami-cchi's food too!!" whined Ryouta.
"Ya fork some over Akashi." agreed Daiki.
"Can I have some Gin-chin." asked Atsushi

"Sure Atsushi,here." I said as I handed him some of my food.

"Wow you guys must be pretty hunger,if any of you want you guys can have my extra bento while I go to the soda machines to get something to drink." said Satsuki as she got up.

"Sure thanks Satsuki." I told her as I grabbed the bento.

When she left the rooftop I swear I saw hearts,rainbows,and a lot of glitter surrounding her.

"Okay she's gone know Gin,go throw away the bent-" before Seijuro could finish his sentence he already saw I was halfway done with the bento.

"It's fine Seijuro I don't mind Satsuki's cooking." I told him as I set the half-eaten bento down.

"That is unexcetable Gin, as both your friend and Captain I order you to throw away the bento for your own health." ordered Seijuro.

"Don't wanna~~"

"Now Kaminari."


"Then I'll have to take it by force, Murasakibara, Aomine,Kise,Kuroko, and Midorima if any of you can get the rest of the bento then I'll cut down your training by half today, if you don't I'll double it." ordered Seijuro.

"Thats cheating Akashi!!!" I yelled at him as I ran away from them before they could even blink,with the bento in my arms.

"God dammit I forgot today was a half day,so when lunch ends I'll have a hour before Practice...... Man and I wanted to take a nap too." I thought to myself as I ran away from them.

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