chapter one

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Quick note: This book was written waaaaay back when i was a tiny bean so there will be no heavily focused sexual scenes in this book (PG 15). There are some hints of toxicity in relationships, which by no means do I want to advocate or romanticize. Also I have no fucking clue what a military bootcamp is actually like I just really love SERGEANT STYLES. Have fun!!

The quirked wood was filled with desire of someone to touch it as a small girl stood inside the house. A small grin painted on her face as her summer dress flowed down her fragile body. In the living room, she was placed facing the small red couch which was placed in the corner of the brown painted room. The room was full of stuff she would never use, most likely to dust under. Still she stood there with a big smile plastered on her face, without a care in the world. The brawny cupboard held several secrets she would never discover, and the small table held a plate of delicious looking food, still she has never touched it.

The door in the brown room led to another room, this time it wasn't brown looking, it was ocean blue. You could look at the wall paint forever and get lost in it, but she never entered the room. In the rather blue looking room hundreds of books were carefully placed in enormous shelves. A flower covered carpet fell over the black floor as the door stood wide open, begging someone to enter the door. The windows allowed some sunshine inside the petite room, it wasn't needed though, because the girl would never enter the room. Since the sun shone 24 hours a day a lamp wasn't really necessarily.

My hand slowly traced over the girls hair, it was brown and felt like straw. She hasn't talked to anyone in years, she hasn't seen anyone in years and she hasn't moved in years. Not because any disease. No this girl had a perfect health. It's because she's a doll, caught in a doll house. Caught in her own world, without caring about other people. Her wooden body was tender and it looked that she could fall down any second, it scared me.

I laid my hands on the doll house as a small sob escaped from my mouth, it had been such a long time since I had been able to see this. It was such a memorial object, for others it may be just another worthless doll house, but for me it was the most precious thing in the whole wide world and it meant so much to me.

I closed the large wooden gates so that none of the rooms were visible anymore and carefully placed it in my closets tightly tucked and hidden behind my clothes. My head felt heavy, it was filled with lingering moments of the past. I sighed and plugged my phone into my speakers, playing a soft humming song as I tapped my feet along with the music. I allowed myself to fall back into my duvet, which I had only gotten out of to reach for the doll house.

"C'mon Violet, you have to go!" My mom's name echoed through the whole house as I was still humming along with the music. It was as if she knew I had returned to lay in my bed only seconds earlier.

Violet, as in the flowers. The beautiful yet elegant purple, blue flower with a slight tint of yellow and white in them. The funny thing is, my surname is Rose. As in the flower, again. The stunning timeless flower which is often used at romantic occasions. People always chuckled when I introduced myself as 'Violet Rose'.

"I'm coming mom!" I yelled to my mom, doubtful if she will even hear it but I shrugged it off. I put on my uniform for work and aggressively brushed out the tangles in my hair. It is ridiculous enough that I am this old and still need a mom to remind me to get to work in time. God bless her for it though. I grabbed my bag and quickly ran downstairs. My mom gave me a warming smile and I returned her one. No words were spoken, and she hurried up the stairs with the neatly folded laundry.

It was silent in the house, which signaled a usual day for me since only my mom and me remained in this house. Out of routine, my hand glaces over my neck to make sure that it's still there. It referring to the necklace which never left my neck since that day. I opened the lock and squinted my eyes to read the familiar quote 'a daughter is a gift of love.' This particular quote that I had ready so many times made my heart flutter and filled my head with memories, but at the same time broke it into a million pieces.

I stood on my tippy-toes to grab some crunchy muesli from the top cupboard and filled the rest of the cup with some milk that my mother had bought at the farmer's market this morning. It was her usual routine for a Wednesday. I hummed the song that I had been listening to earlier and dug into the delicious cup of food. Today was going to be a busy day at work, since we had a 2 for 1 deal on movie tickets. This was for many families enough reason to all hone to the movie theatre and surprise their kids with the newest Frozen franchise movie. I glanced at the clock and noticed I would be late for my shift if I did not hurry up. I quickly grabbed my brown bag with decorated fringes on them and quickly drove to my work.

"Hello Violet!" I heard a happy voice yell from over one of the rooms. I recognized the voice as my boss' and greet her back. I had clocked into work just in time, and even managed to pick up a cup of coffee in the break room. The hall I was walking is was long but several doors led to other rooms where a new movie would play every two hours.

Working at the movie theatre gives you a lot of opportunities. One of which is free unlimited movies. Well, at least if your boss isn't looking. Yikes. Free popcorn at any time given, even at 10 am in the morning. The only downside about this job is the minimum wage that comes along with it. My mom had urged me to get another job in order to save some money for college. I had ignored her recommendations, because I quite enjoyed by job and I didn't have the stomach to tell her I did not plan on going to college.

My hand ran through my hair as I sighed and started my nine hour shift. I grabbed a lock of my hair and twirled it around my finger, waiting for the next costumer who would buy popcorn or chocolate to eat while watching the movie.


"Bye flower girl!" I heard the same voice yell as I made my way through the large red movie theatre doors. The other side of the doors held a great darkness that I had to get adjusted to. Stupidly enough, I had parked my car at the other side of the massive, unlit parking lot. I could not wait to get home, eat some dinner and maybe watch a movie with mom. However, my first obstacle was to get to my car safely. With my work keys in one hand, and my home keys in the other positioned in such a way that I could defend myself if I were attacked, I walked by several lit stores to profit from its illuminations.

I passed the small shop next door which was a cute little boutique which held everything you could ever think of. I chuckled as I felt the wind blow through my thick cardigan and my hair was jumping around on the autumn breeze. The wind was cold and tickled my skin as it passed the fabric that held my bones together. It wasn't blowing at full speed, just a small breeze which made me wonder why I loved wind so much.

As I passed a store where they sold televisions and other electronics I stood still, watching what the turned on televisions in the display window told me.

'Do you want change?' I nodded at the television, with a doubt that it will understand me. 'Do you want to make a change?' I nodded again, it seemed like this television could read minds. 'Then you may want to keep watching this commercial.' I listened to the order of the electronic and kept watching as the commercial went on.

'Are you looking for an exciting job with lots of variety? Then the Army the right place to work. With 100,000 men and women we are one of the largest employers in USA.' It started and again my heart broke. I wish I had walked on and ignored the television, but then again the first part of it looked quite challenging.

A man showed up on the screen with a military cap on his head and his dress blues on. 'Our team is experiencing with something new. We try to get as many people with the age of 18 to 25 to try out our new idea. It's about having a military training for 2 months. You're being trained and tested, to find out if you're strong enough to serve for this country.' My heart stopped for a split-second and my eyes closed trying to ignore the tears forming in the outside corners of my eyes.

As the buff and though looking man continued to speak the sounds in my head quieted and I could only think of my dad. The way he held me when he left, and how he promised to come back each time. I must have been mindlessly staring at the shopping window for minutes before I was interrupted.

"We're closing." The man told me with his hands as I was still staring at the screen. An idea was forming at the back of my mind. It wasn't a full grown plan, but it was an idea.

An idea to help people in a way I always wanted them. An idea to serve the country. An idea to finish what my dad never finished.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story, hope you have a great day.

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