chapter thirty two

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The training would start soon and I was currently mentally preparing myself in front of one of the mirrors the bathroom held. The mirrors were dirty and looked as if they hadn’t been cleaned for years. I raised an eyebrow when I saw a piece of chewing gum sticking in the corner of the reflecting object.

My hair was pulled up into a neat bun and I wore my military suit with proud. I looked down at my shoes, who were filthy from the dirty and muddy ground I had to leap, jump en run on every day.

“Are you coming?” I heard Agnes yell to me from the other side of the bathroom. She peeked her head in the door opening and waited for my response.

“Yeah, sure. Just give me a minute.” I mumbled and gave one last glance to the somewhat shy girl in the mirror. I looked the same as yesterday, and the day before yesterday.

My feet leaped over to Agnes and Melissa, who were already waiting in front of the front door of the girl cabin. The cabin was cleared apart from a pair of girls whispering to each other in the corner and giving disgusted glances to something that was laying on the floor in front of them.

Apparently Agnes knew them because she walked up to them and asked them what was going on. She didn’t even make it to girls because when she saw what was lying on the ground she let out a loud scream and ran back to us.

She passed me and Melissa and ran up to her bed, jumping on it and hiding herself under her sheet. I didn’t know what was going on, but decided it was smart to find out.

I slowly walked up to the thing on the ground, I too let out a loud squeal when I found out it was a big fat rat. Its tail grey and chapped, and its eyes peering at you with curiosity.

“I’m going to get someone” Melissa muttered, probably ashamed of all of us freaking out. She quickly jogged out of the door.

I was about to open my mouth but another sound interrupted my actions. The mouse squeaked and ran off to one of the beds. Agnes who was sitting on one of these beds, now not with a pair of thin sheets covering her, let out a large scream when she realised it was hopping over to her bed.

She tried to stand on the bed but failed, since the ceiling wasn’t that high and a loud lump sound was created by her head getting banged against the ceiling. She tried to regain balance but we could all see what was going to happen.

I quickly paced of to her helping her before she could fall off the bed, but when I remembered there was a large rat only a metre away from me I quickly pulled away and ran back to the door.

“Help me” Agnes screamed out.

“Get that filthy animal away from me” None of us reacted.

“Get.” She paused, glaring at all of us. “It” She pointed at the animal with a disgusted glare. “Away from me!” She screamed, her eyes full of anger and her face red from furiousness.

We all stood at the door, close to each other trying to regain our laugh. Of course we were scared to come close to the animal too but it was extremely funny how Agnes reacted.

“I swear if I ever get off this bed I will personally-”

Melissa busted through the door with Mr Styles, or Harry, whatever you prefer, closely following behind her.

“What is so important that it should cause you a. to be late b. to scream so loud that it disturbed many trainings c. made me come late for my training too.” 

He didn’t need an answer because the animal made another sound and made its way into the bathroom. Another scream left Agnes’ mouth.

“Mr Styles, please get it out there!” She yelled. “If it touches my conditioner I swear I’m-”

“Take it easy Agnes, it’s only an animal. It’s more afraid of your pertaining shriek than you are of him.” He snickered slowly walking to the bathroom. Me, Melissa and the two other girls whose names I still didn’t catch tried to hold our chuckles in.

We all waited at the door  - and Melissa in her bed, still scared that it might attack her- for a few minutes before Harry returned.

“Where is it?” Melissa asked, still clamping herself onto the sheet.

“I let it free outside, through the window.” It was rare hearing this from Harry, I expected him to be the guy to violently kill it. You know, because he’s a sergeant and strong and manly and- I cut myself off before I let my thoughts even wonder further. Melissa let out a relieved sigh, but still carefully watched the ground when she leaped of her bed.

“Thanks” she whispered before returning to us.

“Now that this incident is over, can we start the training? The rest is already waiting for us outside.” We all agreed and followed him towards where ever he was leading us to.


A few minutes later we reached the gym, which we had never been to before. I carefully obtained all the machinery around me and wondered what all of them did to your body.

“Today’s different” He spoke. “I decided not to torture you.” A familiar smirk played on his lips as he scanned the crowd until his eyes met mine. His green eyes seemed to speak to me in twenty seven languages I didn’t speak, but still I understood it.

“I’m in a rather happy mood, so you have an advantage of that” He went on whilst he kept circling our group over again.

“We are in the gym because I know you can all make it through this boot camp, but you all need to work on your extra muscle mass. You are going to need it in your exams.” I looked down at my arms who were rather thin and didn’t seem to hold any muscle at all.

Next to me I heard someone grunt, and it seemed like Harry heard it to. “Except for you Dave, you have enough extra muscle mass.” I turned to see one of my group members disappointed looking down at his own arms who were rather muscly.

My thoughts left this world and flew to a completely other planet to think about this morning.

When Melissa and Agnes joined me this morning in the canteen Harry quickly exited to another table muttering he had something else to do. It was weird because only seconds before he was circling figures on my leg and teasing me. The rest of the morning was one big blur until we reached the mouse incident.

“I could assign you to each a treadmill or a weightlifting mass but I think you’re old enough for you to figure it out by yourself.” I smiled as his voice echoed through my mind back and forth.

A few girls high fived each other while a few boys gave each other competitive looks. Well this sure is going to be interesting.

I have such a good idea for the next chapter. They're at the gym, and everybody is competitive *hint hint* and everybody wants to show off *hint hint*. I sort of wrote this in a rush so excuse me for any unclear sentence. Comment Comment Comment, because you know how I feel about people who comment :)

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