'Help, I've Done It Again'

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I'm going to the pool :) I really want to get a tan! Hahah this is my last day of vacation, we come home tomorrow. I hope you've enjoyed the updates. So this is a cliffhanger... I'm sorry. But don't you want to read the next update now? I'll try to update again tonight, but no promises. I hope you like it :) Comment below! Dedication to a random commenter. <3



As the blade slide across my skin, the familiar feeling of relief resurfaced. I let out a shakey, tearful breath I didn't know I was holding. Relief flooded my body as I watched the blood drip off my skin. 

Drip. Drop.

The blood splahshed onto the tile floor.

Plink. Plank.

A tiny pool was begining to form from the three new cuts on my left arm.

I lifted the razor to my arm once more as I made another line.

Drip. Drop.

The tears continued to free fall from my eyes, mixing with the blood as they hit the floor.

How did one diamond ring manage to bring along this much pain? 

How did one diamond ring manage to bring out a cruel brother I never knew I had?

How did one diamond ring turn my life upside down?

I could still hear Liam and Louis screaming back and forth about Larry. And although I wasn't there, I somehow knew Zayn was pacing back and forth with his fists by his side. 

I wondered where Harry and Niall were right about now. Probably checking out chicks or something. Harry strikes me as the kinda of person who would do that. Espeically to get over Darcy.

Darcy! I wondered what she was doing right about now. Probably out on a date with the guy from Starbucks. 

I let my mind wander as I aimlessly cut my wrist, thinking of all the pain in my life and slowly controlling it with the swipe of a blade.

When I was done, there were 4 new cuts on each wrist. I sighed as I set the blade down and leaned my back against the wall. The tears had just about stopped, since I'd cried them all out. 

I felt a lot better than I did when I came in. I put the razor back in the drawer and put the towel over the pool of blood in an attemp to clean it up. 

The cool air swept over my cuts, causing the hairs to stand up on the back of my neck. 

I then realized how tired I actually was. I certainly couldn't go back to my room to sleep. Eleanor was on the couch and I didn't feel like facing her at the moment. I knew if  I left the bathroom I faced the very real possiblity of facing Zayn which was the last thing I wanted to do. I'd just broke a promise to him, looking him in the eyes would be very hard. 

I decided on laying down in the bathroom. Silly,  I know, but it seemed like the best option. I layed my head down on the plush rug, trying not to hit my arms on anything. Before I even knew what was going on, I felt myself drifting into a deep sleep.


*Zayn's POV*

Just as the thought of punching Liam crossed my mind, the doorbell rang. I welcomed the distraction as I quickly got up and headed downstiars. I secretly prayed it was Danielle, coming to get Liam and take him back to the hotel. 

As I turned the knob I realized I had no such luck. At the door stood Darcy.

Her hair was up in a messy bun and she had on Victoria Secret sweatpants with a baggy white tank top, which was very not Darcy from what I'd heard from Ari.

"Erm, hi Zayn." Darcy said quietly.

"Hi." I said in a flat tone wondering why the heck she was here. Her and Ari were in a fight afterall.

"I, um, I.." She started, not making eye contact with me.

"Spit it out already Darcy, I have a drunk Liam upstairs and I have to go back upstairs before either he or Louis kill one another." I grumbled at her, running my hands through my hair.

"I came to appologize to Ari. She didn't deservce the way I treated her and I miss her." Darcy said quietly. 

I smiled at how sweet that was, "Yeah, sure, c'mon in."

Darcy followed me into the kitchen where Eleanor was.

"Where's Ari?" I asked Eleanor as soon as we stepped in.

"Oh, she heard some of the things Liam was saying about her. She got really upset, but she's fine now, she just went upstairs to clean up." She replied.

Ari went upstairs to 'clean up'. My heart sank at the thought of her dragging a blade across her skin again. Surely that's not what happened. She made a promise to Ed and I. Ari wouldn't break her promise, would she?

"How long ago?" I asked quickly.

"Hmm?" Eleanor questioned.

"How long ago did Ari go upstairs?" I almost yelled, but I tried to control my voice.

"Oh, um twenty minutes ago or so." She replying, increasing the space between us.

Quickly I raced upstairs, leaving a confused Darcy and Eleanor to follow.

I raced to the bathroom door, banging on it loudly, "ARI! ARI OPEN THE DOOR." 

No reply.

"Ari I know you're in there!" I yelled.

Still no reply.

"Ari. I'm giving you 5 seconds to open the door." I ran my fingers through my hair again.


"Eleanor, give me a bobby pin out of your hair." I demanded.

"Um here." She nervously handed me the pin.

I pushed it through the lock in the door and jiggled the handle util it opened.

"Ari!" Eleanor, Darcy and I screamed in unison as the door opened.

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