'We're Gonna Stay Up All Night'

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Hey hey hey(: Sorry I haven't updated in a little while. I've been busy (Haha I know, that's a super annoying excuse but its true..). Anyways, this chapter is a short filler sort of chapter, but I'm working on what's gonna happen now! 

To get a couple of things straight- Ari doesn't cut that deep, well like deep enough to become dizzy and all. Secondly, this story takes place during winter break. In reality, it hasn't even been a week already. And if you have any more questions, ask em below!

Finally, I've been super obsessed with Little Mix latelty. Don't get me wrong, I've always been a fan, but Change Your Life is my new favorite song. And Cannonball! <3 I mean if I were you, I'd look up every Little Mix song ever after you finish reading this. I put the link for Change My Life right deerre--->                Make sure you lissten! 

Sorry for that super duper long authers note (its almost longer than the story..) but that's it. I love you <3

Vote, Comment & Fan! 



“Tickets please?”  A younger looking girl with light pink hair pulled up in a bun with light brown eyes asked. I could tell she fancied Harry. 

Harry held out our tickets and winked. 

“You have VIP, follow me please.” She said, walking next to Harry.

I gave Niall,Louis and Zayn a look, wriggling my eyebrows. They all just laughed and nodded their heads. 

“So what’s your name?” Harry asked, flipping his hair.

She giggled, “I’m Madison.”

“Pretty name for a pretty lady.” Harry said, his dimples clearly showing.

“Thanks!” She blushed, “I’m guessing your Harry?” Madison said as turned a corner.

He nodded, “Yup! And that’s Niall, Zayn, Louis and Ariana.” 

I shot Harry a glare while the rest of the boys stiffled laughs.

“Like Ariana Grande?” Madison asked, smiling at me.

She was just way to happy. 

“Ari.” I corrected Harry, smacking him upside the head and sending a polite smile Madison’s way.

They continued to talk while I stayed back with the other boys.

“So, have you ever been to an Ed concert before?” Niall asked, looking up from his phone.

“Nope.” I said popping the p.

“Really?” Zayn cocked an eyebrow.

“Really.” I replied.

“So then I’m guessing you’ve never met Ed then?” Louis asked.

“Oh, no, I’m his personal stripper. Of course I have.” I said with a completely straight face.

I got three bewildered looks.

“P-per..” Zayn couldn’t even finish his sentence.

“Sonal str-i..” Niall said, his jaw at the floor.

“Stripper, for Ed Sheeran?” Louis asked.

I couldn’t take it any more. I burst out laughing, and fell on the ground, I was laughing so hard.

“ARI!” Louis screamed halting in his tracks.

Niall was laughing so hard he feel on the floor with me. 

We both laid there while Louis and Zayn stood their shaking their heads and stifling back laughs.

“ERMAHGERD. Is that Niall Horan’s annoying laugh I hear?” A voice said walking out from the door behind us.

“Depends, is that Ed Sheeran’s voice I hear?” Niall asked, making no attempt to get up.

“The one and only.” Ed answered laughing.

“Well this is your personal stripper, Ari. But I’m sure you know her already.” Louis said butting in.

I shot him a death glare.

“My personal stripper eh? Nice.” Ed said laughing and extending an arm to help me up.

I gladly grabbed it, and he pulled me up.

Sadly, my sweater sleeves rolled up as I did so. Maybe I should have covered the fresh cuts.

I heard a faint sound from Zayn, but I didn’t say anything.

“Ari?” I looked up, after furiously pulling my sleeves down.

“Yep?” I asked, pretending everything was fine.

“Can you come with me real quick?” Ed asked, something clouded his eyes. Uncertainty?

“Um, sure. I’ll be right back guys.” I said as Ed grabbed my hand and led me down the hall.

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