'Something's Not Adding Up'

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  • Dedicated to Liam Payne! <3

Hey! Sorry for the total lack of update... I just started school a little over a week ago and its kinda crazy. First, I'm a freshman, which is actually ok, but I'm taking 3 honors classes and doing varsity swim, which complicated mty schedule a little bit. Anywho, I hope you like this chapter! Don't forget to comment & vote (:


*Zayn's POV*

I stood there, shocked. 

Ari laid on the ground, fresh blood oozing from both wrists. Her eyes were closed, and her head was resting on the plush rug near the shower. Her face even looked an eeire pale colour, but I was probably seeing things.

Eleanor and Darcy pushed past me, even more alarmed that Ari would do this to herself. Eleanor immediatly grabbed a towel and wet it, cleaning the dried blood off of Ari's arms, and collecting the new blood as well. Darcy lifted Ari's head into her lap, playing with her hair. Although Ari wasn't awake (Yes, the thought of her being unconcious, or cutting too deep had crossed my mind, but the rhythmic rising and falling of her chest had reassured me everything was okay) I knew this gesture was calming too her.

After Eleanor had completed cleaning the blood off her wrists, she added soap to the rag, and cleaned them out. My mind flashed to the first time I met her, and saw Ari cutting. How much pain she was in as I cleaned them out, and how she begged me not to tell Liam. I shook the thought from my mind, as I grabbed a wash cloth and quickly got to working on cleaning up Ari's left arm.

Darcy was singing now, a familar tune I recognized, 

"Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while, heavan can wait, we're only watching the skies. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst, are you gonna drop the bomb or not?" 

Her voice was calming and soothing, however Ari's eyes remained closed, a pained experssion I hadn't noticed before. Was she having a bad dream?! I hope not. I was about to take over for Darcy but she needed this. Their friendship was falliing appart. 

I took the gauze and tape Eleanor had handed me and carefully banaged her wrists. With her wrists cleaned up, I quickly walked to Ari's closet, searching for a sweater so she could cover her wrists. I grabbed the first one I could find, which just so happened to be a navy blue and white  Manchester United sweatshirt. I tossed it over my arm, ignoring the looks from the still fueding boys as I made my way back to the bathroom.

I turned around as Eleanor and Darcy took off her shirt & replaced it with the sweatshirt, leaving her in that and bright pink norts.

Darcy continued singing while Eleanor pulled me into the hallway.

"Zayn." She said calmly.

I nodded my head.

"I think we need to get Ari to a doctor." 

I gasped, "She's fine Eleanor, really."

"Zayn, I don't kmow what you're trying to pull here, but she needs to get her wrists checked out. What if they're infected?" She huffed.

"Its not the first time, although I hope its the last. We cleaned her cuts, lets just get her into bed." I sighed.

"She's not sleeping here, not with these boys still arguing about god knows what. She can sleep in Louis and I's hotel room, we'll sleep in the guest room here."  She smiled.

"Are you sure? I mean.." I trailed off, unsure of the proper response to Eleanor's proposed plan.

How would Ari respond if she woke up in a foreign place in new clothes and with bandaged wrists. 

"Positive. And you'll stay with her too. C'mon, carry her to the car." Eleanor said, grabbing my wrists with her tiny hands and dragging me to the bathroom with Ari and Darcy in it.

Ari was still in a deep sleep, and Darcy had moved on to singing 'The Man Who Can't Be Moved' by The Script.

Eleanor quickly explained the story to Darcy, who helped us sit Ari in my arms, bridal style. Darcy collected a change of clothes, a tooth brush and some other things for Ari to bring to the hotel room while Eleanor helped me get to the car.

I sat down, her head in my lap, as we waited for Darcy to come down with her stuff. 

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I wondered why she hadn't woken up yet. If she was asleep, surely she would have, right?

Finally Darcy arrived, and we drove to the hotel, Ari still asleep in my arms. Something wasn't adding up.

"Can we make a detour to the hospital?" I asked, my voice shakey and weak.

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