Chapter -10- {Under-the-table-confessions}

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****** (A/N) : I was with my friends the whole day, and it's pretty late now, but I decided to write this chapter since I was happy and because of your votes and comments =] ..

You guys are the best xx

@zayngirls !! Thank you so much for all your comments and stuff. It meant a lot <3 . ******


~ Liam's POV ~

"Liam? Where is everybody?!" her voice stopped my staring-session.

"They left" I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

She looked at me with confused eyes, like she needed to know more.

"You needed to talk to me, didn't you?" I continued. "Well, here I am" I placed a big smile on my face to make her more comfortable.


"Oh, that was unexpected" she awkwardly smiled. "And- "

We were interrupted by the sound of music, suddenly playing out loud in the whole place.

Next, I noticed teens coming from afar towards 'Freezy'.

"The party is like beginning right now" June highered her voice so I can hear her over the sound of the high music.

"What should we do?!" I started freaking out.

June took a quick look around the cafe, and noticed a big table with a big opac cover over it.

"Follow me" she instructed.


~ June's POV ~

I figured out we could hide under the table, and the cover will help us remain unseen until we come up with a better plan.

I grabbed Liam's hand as fast as I can.

"Follow me" we walked towards that table.

I crawled under the cover, and Liam did the same.

We were now hiding under a table, trying our best to avoid causing a big mess if someone recognizes Liam.

We looked at each other and laughed at how silly we must've looked in that situation.

"Paul said he will be waiting for us in his car from the other entrance" Liam said after reading a text. "but it will take him about 15 minutes because he's stuck in traffic..."

"Okay" I smiled. "Who's Paul by the way?"

"Oh, I almost forgot you weren't familiar with our band" he chuckled "He is our bodyguard, we boys love him very much."

"He seems nice" I tried to keep the conversation going.

"He is" he replied. "And he helps us all the time..."

Suddenly, we overheard a conversation despite our noisy and loud surrounding.

"Lexi" a young girl's voice entered our ears. "Can you tell the DJ to put a One Direction song please?"

"Anything my guests want!" another girl - apparently Lexi - spoke out. "Any special request?"

"Umm... Let them play 'Live While We're Young' if that's okay. I really love Liam's solo at the beginning even though it's short..."

I saw Liam's expression turn from smiling to kind of a disappointed state.

I looked at him with a concerned look, waiting for him to speak.

"I feel bad for that girl, June" he eyed the floor. "she seems like a big fan, and a 'Liam's girl' too." he lightly smiled, but the sadness was still there.

"I just wish I could meet all of our fans!" he revealed. "I mean, can you imagine how would that girl feel if she knew I was under this table?!"

"Liam, this sounds really caring" we made eye-contact. "but it would cause a huge mess, you know..."

Something stopped our conversation again: it was someone speaking apparently through a microphone.

'We will now play LWWY which was requested by my special friend Mindy!'

And the song started playing.

"So we know her name is Mindy" Liam whispered.

"You really are serious about this, aren't you?" I chuckled.

"I am" he told me. "And when Paul gets here, I will have Brad call after this Mindy so I can make what seemed to be her dream into reality."

That guy was almost...too nice?

"By the way, I assume you like Batman." I pointed at his shirt.

"Oh yeah, I liked him since I was like two years old" he smiled, appearing to have memories about it. "However, I didn't get the chance to meet him although I was sure he lived somewhere in England" he joked.

We laughed.

"I am British too" I declared.

"Really? Why did you leave?"

"Well, I moved here with my mom, but I still visit Britain sometimes, just not recently. It's been so long when I last visited England." I explained.

"So you lost all connections with people you knew from there?" he posed me.

"Well, my dad still lives there, so I surely still talk to him, but still there are friends who were completely deleted out of my life as soon as I moved" I stated. "I can't blame them really, beause I was only like about three when I left, so we were all just little foolish kids..."

"Yesterday, I had a dream about my childhood there" Liam crossed his legs - he was too cute. "Funny how I, as well, remembered a girl best friend from when I was like three, and I now know nothing about her."

He smiled at how fate can change things, I guess, and then talked again.

"Funny how we don't talk anymore."

He was right. Fate has its own mysterious ways. I mean, who would've thought that Liam and I would run into each other after all this time?

Was it 'Fate?'

"Liam..." I started.

That was it: I was going to let it out, I was going to tell him.

Will he believe me?!

"I used to call her 'Jay' " Liam didn't let me finish my sentence.

"Liam" I had a sincere look in my eyes. "I- I am Jay."


** Cliffhanger !! **

You guys wanted June to finally tell Liam, so here you go =) .

Thanks again for the votes and comments.

And you can always message me if you have suggestions or you just wanna talk 0:) ..






Can I get 2 comments/5 votes for next chapter?

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