Warning ;')

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This book is under the process of writing so it won't be here yet for quite some time. Sorry! But don't lose your hope, add it to your library so then you know when I start updating❤️ I'll update in batches, as in: every time 5 draft chapters are finished I'll update; So then not only Iona but everyone reading this fanfic can read more per week❤️

Also this one goes for the beautiful mermaidgurrl  whom I am writing this book for, I love you sweetie and I wish the best for you forever and always❤️


Original Complete Summary:

"I push people away when all I really want is someone to hug me and tell me that everything's going to be okay" she sobbed as she collapsed on the empty school hallway, trying to run away from her life but being chained to it's roots.

She cried because she felt like she disappointed her family... even herself, and all she wanted at the moment, was nothing else but a shot of Vodka down her throat, burning the pain and clouding her throbbing head </3

"She's better than the smoke coming out of this cigarette"

"He's better than the alcohol coming out of this bottle"

Meet Iona, teenage girl at the edge of finishing highschool, eleventh grade who's determined to stop her life but will she let it?
She fights her way through depression, anxiety, between other disorders. Do not forget that some of her family members are in the same school as her... but who are they?

Keep an eye on certain guy... Certain guy that is attracted to her, the same or way more than she is to him; he'll stop at nothing to save her soul from her demons but...

Will she believe that there is an escape to that hell?



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