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As I woke up this morning I noticed something but I couldn't quite place what it was. I was feeling better than usual, no idea why. For some strange reason there was sun coming out of the window instead of the usual pre-dawn gloom. Then with a start I got up. It's my birthday! "Happy Birthday ME!" I yawned in a relaxed sort of way. You don't have to do any work on your birthday and the best part is you can wake up whenever. Most of the kids that come here don't actually know their birthday so they just make one up, writing it in the old calandar we've had here forever. The Weekdays don't matter so it's just used every year over again.

When I was little, I remembered, I would get a birthday cake. I haven't had one of those seince my parents... Anyway sugar is too expensive and I heard is unhealthy. A cake would just be a waste of recources to get. But just for a second I imagined it, my parents would cheer, there would be colorful presents. And the cake. Ahhh the cake. It would be filled with moist layers, creamy frosting on top, candles (wow there must be 14 now), the wax dripping. I could almost taste the rich delicacy, chocolate, vanilla, topped with fresh fruit. I was so lost in my fantisy that I didn't notice that the actual freakin cake that was actually transforming in front of me. Actually. I snapped out of it momentarily and saw the dessert. "Mhmm..." this day dream was particularly awesome. I had to stop though, the best day of the year was already half-way over. Ugh but the darn cake was still there, I closed my eyes shut, ran around, even did some push-ups. Is sleeping too much bad for you? Hey, maybe that's it, I hit myself. Nope I wasn't dreaming. Cautiosly I aproched the alien thing. Touched it, now slightly terrified. It was soft, I looked down to see the frosting on my finger. Instinctively I licked it. That was when the flavor came over me, it was like nothing I had tasted in years. I decided to make the most of it. Shoving peice after peice nearly devouring the whole dessert.

I was the only one in the room. It was't very large, there was an array of blankets and sleeping bags laying constrictingly close all over the floor. That was as much as the room had. There were dozens like those here and a few with slightly more luxurious for those in charge or kids that found a (labor) job and give the money to this home. Can I call it a home? That money along with what we get for selling our produce is then used at the market for other nutrition.

I hid the cake in my sleeping bag (sadly the best option) doing my best to smear it as little as possible, not that it would've mattered, it belonged in the trash anyways.

I tried to forget about the cake and enjoy my day as tyrant. I mostly acompanied my friends by keeping them company as they worked, I was early for lunch and got the best seat too. In the late evening when we all played games I was chosen first. When it came close to go to sleep I grabbed Alex, my best friend and practically brother and told him what happened. Alex is about my age, he's pretty small with messy, long hair that stands out. I guess you could say he's smart, and questions everything. He actually enjoys once a week when MOM, the, "teacher," teaches us in a large room that turned into, "The Class." Alex didn't believe me, even when I showed him the cake, "Dude! Uglee will kill you for stealing our money, how'd you even know where he keeps it hidden?!"

"Were you even listening?!" What was HIS problem? "It just apeared there!"

"How could you? Do you know how hard it is to get money?! Do you even care?!?"

"I didn't-"

"You bought candles too? How'd you get them?! Don't think I'll stick with you on this one we've been caught enough!"

"This one?!" I only stole food (and maaaaaybe money)a couple times. But in my defense, you try living like this. "I was just thinking about my parents and suddenly-"

"Oh so that's what this is about, the lovely life you had before, well no matter how hard you try it's gone and so are your-" I ran out. "Rex! I didn't mean to..." I blocked him out and kept running.

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