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(Here's some random dubstep in the background to listen to while reading. You're welcome.)

I kept running, shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts. Alex had brought back some unpleasant memories and I wanted them gone. After nearly exiting the little village I had calmed down enough to go back. But by the time I did Alex was waiting for me, "Follow me," that satement was all that was said before he ran off. I tried to protest but he was already too far away. With a sigh I followed, struggling to keep up. We aproached the main building where the money was held and the, "important" people live: MOM, Uglee (he's in charge of the money, everyone calls him Uglee because well... he is; I don't even know his real name), and, Jamie and Lilly. Jamie and Lilly just recently oficially became adults after growing up here and claim to deserve more respect. All they got was harder work but after complaining they're now semi (barely) in charge. It's also so rumored that THE BOSS lives here, no one knows their name or even gender, how they look, anything. We've just always been told that they started this place and we should be grateful to them and, "this rude behavior is unacceeptable." Ugh. Alex was already knocking on the old door, I was surprised to see it didn't collapse. What time was it, we were so going to be punished.

"What are you crazy?" I yelled, grasping for breath after finally catching up with the idiot. I considered running away and letting Alex get in trouble but it was too late, I couldn't do that to him anyway. MOM opened the door.

"Alex!!!! Rex." She said my name as if the syllables hurt her mouth. MOM keeps saying that I'm a bad influence on her precious good Alex. Needless to say I don't really like the fat (I think she 'politely asks' for extra food) wrinkly, old lady very much either.

"Mrs. MOM we're terribly sorry for disrupting you at the moment, my senciere apologies," blech but kisser, "I have to make a devastating confessment of which I utmost regret. I'm afraid that Rex and I stole slight (umm perhaps more) incraments of our beloved orphanage money. However please don't go blaming Rex it was his birthday today and I wanted to bring him some joy by reminding him of his past. He decided to play along but it was all me," this had to stop, he was humiliating himself. Alex was so senciere though, I wanted to forgive him for what he didn't do. I felt terrible. Alex was such a good friend, it was better he confess though seince MOM adores him. "I felt so horribly guilty that I had to tell, anyways you were due to notice the loss of precious money." Wow, this was perfectly conposed but I had to help.

"Yes Mrs. I'm very very sorry, Alex is a great friend to me, I'm bad." Her eyebrows creased, man I'm horrible at this.

I felt that something was off, in the back of my head... Something about the money... Then it clicked, unless I was hallucinating I never actually stole the cake, it just sort of appeared there. "Can you please cheak the money ma'am?" I asked, "Alex, can you go run and get the cake scraps and candles?" The two hesitated, "please..." MOM must have heard the unusual begging in my voice and shrugged, Alex ran off. MOM didn't seem to have shown much emotion, this unusual situation sprug up infront of her slow brain randomly, she must've been too confused. Hoooooooowever, it wasn't the same story when she came back.

"What sort of trickery is this?!?" The old hag demanded. "Wha'd you do now stupid boy? No money's gone. Poor Alex wha'd you do to him?!?"

I tried to talk slowly making sure she could keep up but also seaming genuine. By the time I finished saying everything her face was impossibly red but before she could snap, Alex came running back out of breath. "See, look here's the scraps" Ignoring Alex's questioning glare I embraced myself for MOM's yelling, this was a bad idea. But the yelling never came.

A shadow aproached, "You'd better come with me. I'm afraid it'll only get much harder from here."

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