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Tiny Rex was sitting on the couch, longingly playing on the new DS he got for his 9th birthday not too long ago. "Dinner's ready!" his dad called from the kitchen. Rex and his mom eagerly sat down and delved in. As usual they disscussed all the fun they had together that day. Just like yesterday. And the day before. That's all they would do, for years while war raged around them, they easily maintained a peaceful and lovely life. Rex was told that he doesn't need to worry about the war, that he's happy how he is and there's nothing he can do about it anyway. Maybe someday it'll end. But still he couldn't help wondering why. Why was there this war, why was there suffering, why wasn't his family part of it. He just HAD everything, why didn't everyone else? Rex brought it up and instantly regretted it, "I saw a kid today, he was alone and looked hungry. Where were his Mommy and Daddy?" The mood almost magically darkened just like it always did when Rex mentioned something he shouldn't have. His mom began to reply when there was a banging at the door. His parents glanced at eachother, trying not to show the obvious worry on their faces. "Go to your room, okay?" His dad said low under his breath, "Go hide in that toy boy of yours in the closet. Hurry!" Rex scurried up the stairs and crammed himself under the toys. After what seemed like forever he heard heavy thumping footsteps and it sounded as if every inch of his room was being turned upsidedown. The closet door opened and someone rumadged through his stuff. The chest was opened a crack and then slammed shut, the people left his room. Rex let out the breath he hadn't noticed he was holding. After waiting some more he couldn't take it and curiosity got the best of him.

Rex crept halfway down the stairs and stuck his eyes right below celing level. Two big guys with clipboards were disscusing something in murmured voices. A couple feet away, his Mom and Dad were standing by the door looking anxiously at them. "So, Mr. and Mrs. umm... unknown," said one of the strangers, "you have a child? It doesn't say here you do."

"Your documents are correct." his dad replied, "We don't."

"You clearly host one in that room upstairs."

"He died," his mom blurted, swallowing.

"It appears as if the room was recently inhabbited," it was the same guy that kept speaking but it wasn't at all freindly, as if he knew more than you ever possibly could, "Nevertheless, they seem too young to be of any worth and will never survive out here-" his partner nudged him, "...and if they are to survive we'll know, before they realize their potential. We always do." For some reason Rex's parents let out a sign of releif, "The results: we've got more then enough today." Barely having time to realize what's going on, his Mom and dad were taken away as the door was kicked down and dozens of other people swarmed in. Rex's life would never be the same again.

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