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I remember the hours I spent in that cell. When the guy ordered I be 'taken away from his sight' I'd no idea it would just be a small stone room bared shut. In a way I was happy, I thought I was forgotten about.

But durring what seemed like forever a bunch of different thoughts circuled my young mind. I had powers, powers! POWERS! At least that's what the man said. It had to be real, right? It all seemed so real? Why would someone go out of their way to make something like this (I didn't think it was possible, the society I grew up in was neat and ordinary)? Plus, how would you explain the net I had conjured? CREATED? There was that word, the 'Ugh' guy as I had nicknamned him called us CREATErs. What is that supposed to mean? I create stuff? What does Ugh want me from me anyway? What can I do? Am I supposed to make stuff for him- or err Create stuff?

Someone dressed as a gaurd (by their dark uniform and bizzare weapon) came in and without acknowledging the heap in the corner that was Scar grabbed the girl's arm and started dragging her out. Without resisting, the confused little Creater followed obediently, accepting. What difference would it make? The narrow, dark, stone tunnel accelerating deeply didn't really help ease her terror but after only a couple minutes the gaurd led her to the destanation.

The small, metal room with yet another guard in it was the last location in which Scar would ever see the guy she reffered to as Ugh. He was picking at something between his teeth putting on a bored act, "Let's get this over with."

"I usally do this in groups but I think you deserve to be scared more." Scar was standing baked against the wall opposite the guy. "-But, before we begin, I would like to know, little girl, what were you doing on the platform?"

"Do my parents know about this?" Her voice came out soft and cracked although she ment for it to come out feirce.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Do my parents know about this?" With slightly more confidence, Scarlet held her ground and spoke out louder than before.

"What, 'parents?'" The quote on quote parents was demenstrated with two fingures that curled and uncurled a couple times.

"Lory and Max Dorel" should she have given him that information?

"On the platform?"

"Yes. I guess"

"Something's not right about you little girl, something's off," The guy then pressed a finger to his ear and overenunciated, "Max and Lory Dorel." After a while of listening he nodded and said, "Children?" more listening Scar was getting tense, "huh... ahah... yeah, we need to make sure... yes of course it doesn't make seince?!"

Finally I heard the word, "Ok" come out of Ugh's mouth signalling the end of the conversation. "Create!" I was suddenly shocked and bagan to stammer, wouldn't any 9 year old? "I said CREATE!!! Make something!"

"Uh-Uh-ummm, how?"

"Just do it!"


"DO IT!" More tears burst out. What was I supposed to do?

The guy's hand grabbed the hilt of a knife from a pocket behind his back. His hand circled slightly circled around it uuuuuuuntil all of a sudden. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH
I would've been dead, I thought I was too. Except the knife was on the floor and I was holding a simple sheild, just a peice of metal with a handle on the back. Wow. Amazing. Ugh was all of a sudden calm, his act over apperently, his finger covering his ear again.

"It's confirmed"

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