Harry Potter vs Twilight

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Yes it's another one of those personal chapters that are eaisier to write for procrastinators. You can just skip it. Sorry I haven't uploaded in SOOOOO long. I'm waiting for summer when I'll actually have free time, then I promise I'll upload more often. I'm also having a little bit of a writer's block so untill then and so I'll feel better about myself I'm just gonna do a random talk chapter.

Harry Potter vs Twilight am I right? Everywhere. Every single where. I love it, us Potterheads are dominating. I'm just here sitting on the side eating popcorn, enjoying all the drama. But Like seriously how can you even compare, I mean you compare simular things that have bennefits and drawbacks overeachother and it's a difficult decide. Not this. I mean, just ask the fans, there are 54 million Harry Potter ones in the US alone ('fan' being they read all the books which why would you do for 4000 pages if you don't like them, but then again I did suffer through all 2500 pages of Twilight; I was a confused child, still am, this is getting too long). Not to mention that 450 million copies of the Harry Potter books were sold with only 100 million for Twilight. The HP movies also made a grand total of $7.7 billion while the Twilight $3.3 billion. Nearly half the population of young adults (in the US) has read at least a bit of Harry Potter, that's insane considering there's 300 million of them. Those who read Harry Potter are inspired, their lives are changed. I've seen so many websites in this very official research claiming that Harry Potter effects people for the better. Apparently we're more tolerant, sensitive and caring. You can't say any of that for Twilight. Harry Potter teaches you about real love right from the start, it's the only reason Harry's still alive. But then again Bella would've died a thousand times if it weren't for Edward. Which brings me to my next point, she can't do shiz for herself. Seriously, this is one of the most sexist books I've read and I read a lot. The girl can't even go outside without her 100 year old controlling boyfriend that never leaves her side. How did she stay alive for 16 years before she met him? I mean doesn't she find it more creepy than romantic that he watches her sleep? Apparently not. The only creativity in the series is that vampires sparkle, wow, I'm impressed, now even littler audiences will learn that all that matters is you boyfriend. The morals are exactly the opposite too, while Harry Potter teaches you to stand up for yourself, to get over your fears, to think a little differently, Twilight teaches you that the most important thing in life is love and you're attractive when you're helpless. Ok I have loads more to say, I got really heated after reading some why Twilight is better than HP but this is probably getting obnoxious and ruining my story. I might do a part 2 later though.

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