Chapter 23

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Lauren's POV

Our car ride was silent, not even the music could break the silence and weirdness I felt. Until Justin looked over at me.

I glared over at him. "What?" I asked with anger.

"What's with you?" Justin asked.

"Nothing." I said looking back at the window.

"It is something." Justin shot back.

"How would you know?" I rolled my eyes.

"I know you Lauren." He smiled.

"Okay well you don't care to know so?" 

"Try me. What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Justin asked.

"Ok, where do I start?" I began "I can't stand when you ignore me. Give someone more attention than me. I want you to myself. I don't like sharing you." I pouted.

"How do you think I felt? You basically acted like you were calling Stephen. Went with my twin brother. I then had to save you before he raped you. Then you go right off and go off with Stephen." Justin retorted.

"Yeah well I am woman. I was mad and you pushed me into something in your office making me fall." I gulped. "I had never seen you act like that and the things you were calling me."

"I'm sorry. I just-" Justin stopped.

"You just what? Were mad. Are you going to do that every time you get mad at me?"

"No. It's different. Something you wouldn't understand." Justin said focusing back on the road.

"Really? Because I have understood everything else you have told me. Stephen told me I should have called the cops on you."

Justin looked over at me angered, "He acts like I beat the shit out of you." 

I lifted up my shorts to show Justin the big bruise on my leg. "You did this. No you didn't beat me. But that push...I wonder if you ever would."

"I wouldn't." Justin stammered.

"Justin, I just want you to be open with me." I begged.

"I am being open. You know more shit than I told even Selena but you still want more out of me."

"Because I actually give a fuck about you unlike she did." 

"I just I don't want us to argue please. I have to go to  this Business Charity Event. We will be interviewed and I don't want there to be any crazy shit between us." Justin said pulling up to his house.

"Do you love me?" I asked Justin making him stop just like he did back at Stephens. It's like he wanted to say but something made him not.

Justin's POV

I do love you Lauren. I love you more than anything in my life right now. But what if I told you. What if I told you I loved you and you end up changing like everybody else I have ever loved. What if you left me? I can't take that heartbreak again. I can't bring myself to tell you how much I love you.

I looked at Lauren who was waiting on me to answer. I went over to her and brushed my lips over hers. "Can we please just get through tonight?" I asked.

She nodded her head in return before she laid her head on my shoulder as we walked hand and hand to the front door.

Jason's POV

"You are so stupid Jason." Selena roared.

"Why? Do you really think I give a damn when that kid in your belly isn't even mine? Hm?" I spat back poking her stomach hard with my index finger.

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