Chapter 27

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Justin's POV

I could not believe Lauren convinced me to go to Stephen's parents home. Actually she didn't give me a choice. So there I sat in the back seat as I looked at my beautiful girlfriend that I didn't deserve.

"Yeah, Keegan. He's even cooler in person." She smiled turning the wheel as Keegan was laughing as he sang along to the music. I sat in the backseat mad. Mad because I know Stephen could have Lauren if he really wanted to take her from me. That burned my fucking insides. Before we start pointing fingers. It was no way in hell my fault about the Ayesha incident. She was the wrong one. How was I supposed to know she was with Stephen. Hell. I sat in the back trying to calm myself. Don;t do this Justin. Lauren is friends with Stephen and he knows better not to fuck with you. 

Lauren pulled up to Stephens. Alright I got this. Just be nice. How hard could it be? I saw Stephen hug Lauren as Lauren introduced him to Keegan. He looked over at me with a smile. I just glared. I couldn't help it.

I walked to Lauren as I grabbed her by the waist. 

"Stephen." I sneered.

"Justin." He said.

The odd silence came between us all. 

"Guys, can we please just get along. Do it for me. Please." Lauren said pulling Keegan into Stephen's. 

"Look man-" Stephen said before getting cut off by me.

"Zip it. We are never going to get along and you know this." I said looking at Lauren then at him.

"You aren't even going to try. For her." Stephen shook his head pointing at Lauren.

"I don't trust you. Okay. I will never be able to." I said scratching my head.

"Really. You don't trust me. You know Justin. I shouldn't trust you. After everything you have done to me and now you date Lauren. I shouldn't trust you." Stephen said pointing his index finger on my chest.

"Look. Ayesha and that all incident was an accident. I am sorry. The business deal was because I knew things were odd between us. I am sorry for that. But Lauren. I love and care about her and I know I don't deserve her. I never have and that is what scares me."

"You think this is about Ayesha. Like what about the constant shade and shit you put on my name. What about the time I walked in on you and my sister. Hm? And you continued then you asked why I gave you a black eye. Then you end up fucking with every girl you could get your dick inside." Stephen rolled his eyes.

"That was unnecessary. And I shouldn't have done that. Sorry."

"And then Ayesha came crying to me upset saying you fucked her over. And all I could do was laugh because that is you. You will never change and I am waiting for you to do the same thing to Lauren because I know you will fuck up with what you have with her. You can't hold down anything good anything your life."

"Do not fucking tell me my flaws. I fucking know. Why do you think I am so fucking worried and last time I wasn't expecting your punch. Now you try to hit me. I will have you out for the rest of the season MVP."

"Was that threat?" Stephen cocked an eyebrow.

"No it wasn't. It was a damn fact." I said walking away from Stephen.

I walk in to see Steph's whole family. They all looked at me with a uneasy shocking look across their face. I see Lauren talking to one of Stephen's brothers. I see Keegan grabbing a bud light. I pulled him to the side. 

"Hey Buddy." I say smiling. Feeling so fucking odd in this house with Stephen and his family.

"What's up?" He smiled taking a sip.

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