Chapter 25

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Justin's POV

"If you need anything let me know." I said watching Selena walk inside.

"Thank you Justin." She said smiling as she opened the door and closed it behind her.

See I am nice. I am not some dick like everybody says I am. I pulled out the driveway to run into Jason.

"Well. Well. Well. Hey brother." He said stopping his car behind me making me trapped.

"Move. I am leaving." I growled.

"Does Lauren know you were with Selena?" He smiled.

"If she did? I don't care. I love Lauren not Selena. Stop trying to put this back on me."

"I'm not. Just mentioning it. You know your girl is insecure yet you still go around and parade yourself with other girls."

"Fucking move." I growled.

"Or what. Ya know I stopped by your office to see your girl and she was with a guy so I guess if you really want to be with Selena. She got her a backup plan." He said backing up to let me out with a smirk.

I pulled out angrily. All Jason does is try to get under my skin and I was not going to let him ruin me and Lauren too. I wouldn't let Selena ruin us either. I don't care if Jason has a gun to Selena's head. My focus is on Lauren. Sure I helped Selena get back to the house but it's not like I still loved her. I only love one girl, and that is Lauren. I pulled up to my office building and walked up to my office. I opened the door without hesitation. I see Lauren sitting in my chair with a guy in front of her with dark hair.

What was a guy that I know for a fact isn't a client?

"Hey baby." Lauren sounded uneasy.

"Am I interrupting something?" I barked walking behind my table to come eye to eye with a guy.

"I'm Keegan." He smiled.

"Mr. Bieber." I said disgusted. 

"Justin." Lauren gasped.

"What?" I barked.

"What is going on with you?" She questioned.

"Nothing. God forbid I interrupt whatever I walked in on."

"You walked in on nothing. This is Keegan. Keegan is my best friend. I told you he was coming."

"No, actually I wasn't aware he was coming." 

"Really? Because our last fight was because of him. Ring a bell." I sat quiet as she continued. "You are fucking hurting me Justin. Sometimes I think maybe I should have listened to Stephen."

I got in her face, "What the fuck did you just say to me?" 

Keegan pulled Lauren behind him. 

"See your little boyfriend helped you. Cool. Can you both get the fuck out of my office and go fuck or do whatever you guys do best." I signaled them to the door.

I see Keegan walking to the door. Lauren stood there glaring at me.

"Who the hell are you looking at like that?" 

"You." She mocked. "That is my best friend. I don't go fucking around and hanging out with my exes unlike some of us."

"Do not. I repeat do not fucking pin this back to me. I was not with my ex so whatever Jason told you was a fucking lie."

"Oh so you know who told me. How ironic." She laughed.

"I ran into him. Okay? Is that a problem? No. He wants to make me to crumble and break me into a billion pieces." I growled.

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