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I wake to the sound of beeping, the smell of a hospital, and the warmth of a bed. Opening my eyes I notice I am in a hospital, Eric's setting to my left holding my hand in tears.

"Eric" My voice is barely a whisper so I'm surprised he heard me, but he did. He looks up at me and forces a smile. His eyes read grief. "Eric? What's wrong?!" I look around the room and see Chloe asleep in the recliner sleeping.

"Everything's better now that you're okay." Eric says.

"Eric, please tell me the truth?" I say, but it comes out more of a question than a statement.

He stares at me blankly, confusion and hurt in his eyes. Almost like he doesn't understand why he would tell anything but the truth.

"Liv? Why would I-" He stops, a frown crossing his face. "The girl you were talking to at the game?" I nod. "Stacey Tae, she's my sister, half sister, I have a half brother too. See, this is why I've never invited you to my games. Because of them. Jason Tae, he's not my father Olivia. Marc Tae is."

"Eric, please, stop." I cut him off, I don't want to hear any more of his lies.

"No. Olivia Hart, in the most respectful way possible, I'm asking you to shut the heck up and listen to me for a minute. Once you've heard me out, you can think what you want, but until then, just listen." He says, pausing, almost like he's waiting for me to respond. When I don't he continues. "My mom wanted a kid, my dad was infernal. They got a sperm donor, mom got pregnant with me. That's how Jason comes into play. Ya, he's my technical father. However, to me, he's nothing more than a speed donor." Now he sets in silence, watching me, waiting for anything he can get as a response or a reaction.

"So, even though this girl was was practically lying, Eric, you still didn't tell me the truth." I frown.

"With holding information isn't lying!" Eric snaps.

"Mr. and Mrs. Tae?" A doctor questions as she enters the room, her name tag reads Glacé, she looks about thirty six or so.

"Doctor Glacé, we're not married, it's Ms. Hart." I say, rather quickly.

"Ooh, um, I just assumed I'm sorry." She smiles a sad smile at us. "I came to inform you that during the accident, the internal bleeding you had caused you to loose the baby." She looks me in the eyes. "I'm sorry for your loss." Seeing us not respond she adds, "I'll leave you to grieve."

That's when I loose it, breaking down in a sob fit. Eric climbs in bed with me, holding me close as I cry. He's trying to comfort me to the best of his ability. Chloe even eventually wakes up and joins Eric in trying to comfort me. To young to fully understand what's going on.

I'm Having The Players Baby... AgainWhere stories live. Discover now