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Never in a million years did I think that I would be setting at one of Eric Tae's football games. I never thought he'd invite me to one.

Setting Chloe on my lap I smile and say, "Chloe, cheer for daddy. Tell papa to bring score a touchdown!"

"Touchdown papa!" She yells, they're doing warm ups right now so Eric looks over at us and smiles.

He waves at us, Chloe doesn't hesitate to wave back, she frowns when Eric turns back to what he was doing.

"Papa?" Chloe questions.

I turn her to face me, setting her so she's straddling my lap, one leg on each side.

"Papas gonna play a game Chloe, he's gonna try his best to win. Then if he wins, even if he looses, you and I are going to talk him in to taking us out for ice cream." I smile at my daughter.

"Excuse me." A guy says as he sets down next to me.

"Hello?" I question, setting Chloe back so she's facing the field and watching her father.

"Number 2, Eric Tae, you know him?" He ask.

"That depends, who are you?" I ask.

"Jason Tae, his father." He says.

"You must be mistaken Jason, Eric's parents passed when he was sixteen. I'd be a fool to believe you're his father." The guy smirks but stands up and walks away.

"Mama? Who that?" Chloe ask.

"No idea Chloe, but I told him to leave, we don't talk to strangers. Keep that in mind, if you don't know the person you don't say anything to them. Unless myself of your father tell you otherwise. Understand?" I say.

"Yes ma'am mama." Chloe smiles and turns to watch her father, seeing as the game has started now.
"Chloe, daddy won." I smile down at my daughter.

"You're Olivia Hart, Eric's baby mama?" A slutty girl ask as she walk over to us. I'm holding Chloe in my arms so she hides her face in my shoulder.

"I have nothing to say to someone I don't know, oh, and please do us all a favor and put more clothe on." I say and push past her, she grabs my arm so I turn back to face her.

I set Chloe down and point to her father, telling her to go over to him.

"What do you want?" I snap.

"I want to warn you about him." She says.

"Him who?" I turn to the field and watch Eric look over at me curiously, kneeling down in front of Chloe in his uniform.

"Him Eric, he's living in lies, ask him about a Jason and Marsha Tae, sure Marsha died, but that guy that died with her was his step dad Marc, not his real dad. When he tenses up because he knows you know the least bit of truth, that unlocks a tunnel to the rest of the things he's hiding. I may not know them all, but I know enough. I am his half sister after all." She smiles a sad smile before she turns and walks off. I stand where she left me, staring out at Eric and Chloe, what the heck could he possibly be hiding, what reason would I give him to lie to me, does he not trust me?

"Olivia!" Eric calls, waving me over to him.

I roll my eyes but walk over to him, kind of annoyed that what this girl said could be true.

"Eric! Hey man, good game!" A boy I recognize as Adam says to Eric. He smiles at Chloe in Eric's arms. "So this is your little one, and this pretty young lady must be the mama?" Adam ask.

"Hands off Adam, they're mine." Eric says.

"Oh, so you two are an item?" Adam ask.

"No." I say and glare at Eric.

"What's your name little one?" Adam ask Chloe.

Chloe looks at me for permission to speak, I nod, she then looks at Eric for permission and he smiles and nods.

"I Chloe!" She smiles and waves at Adam.

Adam smiles at her.

"I'm Adam Chloe, it's nice to meet you, I've been friends with your dad sense we we're babes ourself." Adam says.

Chloe smiles and again I roll my eyes.

"I think we should get going man. Catch up with you by the ramp tomorrow. Good game." Eric says and sends me a what the heck kind of glare before we leave.


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